Just to let you know...

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Okay so hi yeah this is me and no I apologise but this is not a chapter. Surprise surprise.

Umm first of I just want to say, y'all are freaking savages. SAVAGES. I honestly don't know what to feel about you guys feeling all GRRR on Calvin. I just realised how much work he has to do for you guys to every like him.

Which means I have to work harder to show some character development (?no?) and make him more likeable but that'll get better as the story continues.

Second I'm sorry that this book might seem like a drag and I hope you guys like it either way but if you guys want I'll try to speed up the pace and this book will be quite long so just want to put it out there.

Lastly, *cough cough* I know some of you, maybe only a few, know my age as I have said it before (if you do you can say you know but please don't say anymore) and you should know my poor innocent mind (PFFTT HA!) won't be able to know how to write some


Yes apologies but I honestly don't know how to write that stuff and honestly would feel too weirded out (lol but the reality is) I don't think I'll be able to write that BUT

IF YOU GUYS WANT TO WRITE IT FOR ME as soo many of you WANT TO SEE SOME SEXY TIMES don't mind DM-ing me.

Thanks again for the support and mocks shall be over soon but more school stuff is coming up still so...yeah. SEE YOU SOON YOU AMAZING PEOPLE!!!


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