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Sherlock pov

I had never really felt the chill of the cold temperatures in the morgue before today, even with my coat and scarf on there was a slight shiver running through Me. I stare down at the mangled and unrecognizable mess of a face on the victim believed to be adler.
"Molly could you lower the sheet a bit further." I ask with a quiet but demanding voice.
"Oh...OK," Molly complies lowering the sheet to just below the body's breast. Glancing over them quickly I let out a breathy huff as I look back up to molly and Maria.
"Its her, it's Irene Adler," I confirm with a cold and controlled voice biting back my disappointment, before turning and  walking out of the cold room which reeked of the smell of death and chemicals. A smell which never use to bother me but now that the body on the operating table is one I am acquainted with... it feels unusually different being in there.
"Sherlock. You ok?" Maria asks as she jogs out of the mourned behind me.
"Just Peachy thanks," I huff.
"You don't seem fine," she  mutters standing beside me as I stare out the window.
After a moment of silence she lets out a sigh.
"I think molly is just a little bit jealous. That you could tell who it was by not looking at the face," she mumbles quietly.
"What face, it was mangled beyond recognition, her body was the only other option really," I scoff. The door opens and mycroft walks out he extends his arm between us and hold out a cigarette.
"Just the one," he sternly says.
"What for?" I ask accepting it.
"Christmas," he replies.
"Uncle Mycroft I swear to God if you get him hooked on smoking again I will tell granny!" Maria snaps going to take the cigarette out of my hand. She falters then moves away.
"Just this once, just this once I will turn my back and look the other way but heaven help me father, if you start using nicotine and other drugs again I will not be returning to mother's house until you are clean you got that!" She sighs. I smile ever so slightly and ruffle her hair.
"I'm going to miss you," I chuckle as Mycroft lights the cigarette.
"Hmm, smoking indoors. Isn't this one of those law things," I mutter
"We're in a mourge," Maria scoffs.
"Only so much damage you can do," Mycroft adds "How did you know she was dead?" Mycroft asks.
"She had an item... and Item which she claimed her life depend on in her possession. An item which she chose to give up," I replie. Mycroft, watching me as I smoke, frowned.
"Where is this item now?" He asks
As he asks this a woman starts to cry just beyond the doors, she appears to be with her family and all of which had been delivered bad news. I scoff.
"Look at them they all care so much, do you wonder if there is something wrong with us?" I ask not wanting to let my true emotions be seen.
"Lives end, hearts break and all people feel pain..." Maria whispers.
"Caring is not an advantage, sherlock, Maria," Mycroft says almost in a warning tone.
"Oh shove off uncle. I will decide on my own if it is worth it or not, if to have friends is an advantage or disadvantage, just because you think gold fish are dull, I would have you know some goldfish are the most beautiful creatures ever," Maria huffs.
Mycroft stares at Maria for a few seconds before turning back to me.
"Well you barely knew her," he says.
"Hmm, merry Christmas Mycroft, come along Maria," I huff walking away.
"And a happy new year," Maria  mutters following behind.

----*-*-Maria's pov -*-*----
I follow sherlock to the door and pause.
"You go on ahead and call a cab, I need to say goodbye to molly," I lie taking a step back towards the mourge.
Sherlock looks back at me and nods. 
"Okay," he says continuing out to the front of the building.
I wait till he is out of ear shot then pull out my phone flicking a quick text to molly to say goodbye I pull up John's contact and press call.
"We're leaving st barts did you find anything?" I ask.
"No nothing, we checked everywhere too, did he take the cigarette from Mycroft?" John replies.
"Yes...We can't be to safe, stay home tonight help me keep an eye on him," I ask.
"I can't I'm busy tonight," John sighs.
"Please John, I know that if you don't then she will leave you but do you truly love that woman? Because as far as I see it as harsh as this is going to sound she is not worth it. I would love to let you spend this night with her but... I don't know what my father felt for that woman but he is definitely emotionally distracted, I'm definitely not able to do this on my own, Sherlock Holmes needs you," I say. John sighs and hangs up with a small 'ok' I turn off my phone and bite my lip slightly before running to catch up with Sherlock.
"Ok let's go," I say shivering as we step In to the taxi.
Once we arrive back sherlock walks in to the flat first and I trail behind.
We step inside and I sigh embracing the warmth of the fireplace.
"Hey, you ok?" John asks Sherlock from where he sat reading a book in his chair.
Sherlock looks around and I sigh.
"I hope you didn't mess up my sock index this time," he mutters.
"Christ, I asked them to do it if they have messed anything the I will fix it but... I was worried about you ok," I mutter slumping into his chair across from John.
"Besides I don't think it will make that much of a difference, most your socks look the same," I pout "no they do not they are clearly all different shades of blue and black, and must be sorted accordingly," Sherlock huffs as though my socks comment was the most offensive thing I could have said.
"Whatever, I'm going to bed to at least try get some sleep, sorry for making you cancel that date John but if it makes you feel better you can take sherlock on one instead," I yawn rolling off the chair and shuffling slowly to my -shared- room ignoring the mildly amusing sounds of confusion, protest and defeat from John as I left.

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