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I smile as I lay on the large double bed that Sherlock had kindly let me use. While waiting for dad and John to get ready for shopping I decide to ring mother.
"Hello, this is Isabella speaking," her sweet voice sounds from the other end of the line.
"Hello mother it's Maria, I wanted to know how you are doing?" I smile
"Ah Maria darling I'm doing well, how is your father not causing to much trouble I hope," she says a hint of a smile in her voice.
"Father is doing well, he has a flatmate, doctor John Watson, who looks after him well. They are very cute together it's a shame they are convinced that they are not gay I rather think they would make a nice couple" I laugh lightly.
"Oh, I shall have to come to meet this doctor John Watson if what your saying is true, although I must say I would be just a slight bit jealous of this man if he got all the love"the mother replied with a sarcastic tone of pouting.
"Oh do not worry mother dear I will always love you, and I know deep down father still loves you very much but I also know deep down father is very much into both genders when John Watson is involved" I grin. "You should come to visit us mother, please I miss you terribly and I want you to meet father's gay lover" I laugh.
"Oh as much as I want to I can't make it for a while my dearest Maria, I will try to get to see you both soon but I think that he might be on my tail dear it's not safe just yet ok?" She says a hint of sadness dripping solemnly from her voice. "I love you, dear"
"I love you to mother, would you like to speak with Sherlock before you hang up?" I ask.
"Yes please dear I will try to sort this out so I can visit as soon as possible," she says the sad tone not as much as before.
"Ok I will put him on now, bye mum I love you," I say as I in one fluid movement swing off the bed and out to the living area.
"Father, Mother would like to speak with you, please do behave," I say handing over the phone.
He holds it up to his ear and even from hear it can hear mother's fangirl like coos
"Oh my dearest love, have you found someone better than I, tell me is this man handsome, is he kind to you, does he love you as I did?" I hear her say before I burst into a fit of giggles.
"Isabella, what on heaven's earth are you talking about?" Father asks staring past myself to the kitchen when John was.
As John walked into the room he looked away.
"Ok that sound fine with me, no Isabella, look I don't know what our daughter has been telling you, my dear, but I am not in a sexual relationship with my flatmate we have a strict professional friendship. Yes, Isabella, I am capable of having a friend. Yes, I'm clean. OK, I get it very funny haha you can stop laughing now. I'm going to hang up Isabella, I... have missed you...also, Isabella. Goodbye" and with those final words he ends the call and tosses the mobile back to me as I roll on the floor laughing.
"Maria please be a dear and stop telling your mother that I am gay it's getting old don't you think?" Father says a look in his eyes which makes me stop.
"Are you?" I ask fully serious.
"Am I what?" He replies. The same look in his eyes. A sort of...sadness...
"Are you gay, because I don't mean to hurt your father, so if you truly want me to stop them I shall but only if you truthfully answer me" I say My eyes flickering back behind me to john who was still silent as a mouse.
"Deduce it" Father whispers before walking to get his coat and scarf.
I blink suddenly rather aware of the way he looks to john, unsure of what he wants. And at me what he already has.
"I deduce Sherlock Holmes, that your daughter and her mother would be happy, hurt maybe but happy because we understand. That love fades and minds change" I say getting up off the floor. "I deduce, that you my dearest, father, are afraid of the outcome or your actions if you follow your sentiment and not your brain," I whisper as I hug him.
"But look where your sentiment has got you, a beautiful daughter that's me by the way and her beautiful mother who both love you and respect your privacy and life choices. Most of the time, no drugs" I say sternly with a finger gun for emphasis. With this and the satisfaction of seeing the look on my father's face, I walk past John to my room to get my coat and scarf. While I walking back to the kitchen is faintly hear Sherlock and John having a conversation.
"What was all that about?" John asked.
"Maria is trying to convince her mother that I am gay and that we are in a relationship" Sherlock says monotonous.
"Oh okay, I see how that would be frustrating, with you being married to your work and all" John says. I creep forward a little
"Why did you lie about that, when we first met?"John asks.
"I asked if you had a girlfriend and you said not your area, is... do you not love her?" John asks.
Sherlock freezes and steeples his hands in his signature thinking position.
"Maria if you are going to eavesdrop the do try not to make it obvious" he calls out. I sigh and walk into the lounge.
"Its is an interesting question father, will you answer it?" I ask my eyes shut slightly as I look at him.
"No probably not" he says opening the door "let's go then" with that he walks out and down the stairs.

Consulting Father. [SLOW UPDATES]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora