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Sherlock pov

I walk into the room which I had been sharing with Maria closing the door behind me.
I had my suspicion on what this might be but I did not want to be right, because that could only mean that Irene adler, was dead.
Sitting on my bed is pull the rope off and open the box. Freezing slightly I pull the camera phone out of the small box my heart feeling heavy. I may not have felt romantically towards Irene but she was a smart woman, and was to be admired as so.
Inspecting the device just to be sure it is hers I put it back in the box and sigh and call Mycroft.
"Dear lord, we aren't going to have Christmas phone calls now, are we?" He answers "have they passed a new law?" He asks
"I think you're going to find Irene adler tonight," I say as the door creaks open
"We already know where she is, as you were kind enough to point out, it hardly matters" Mycroft says
"No, I mean your going to find her dead," I say
"You ok?" John asks from the doorway.
I stand up and face him
"Yes," I say slamming the door shut. I don't leave the room for the rest of the night, not even to see everyone off.

Maria pov
After sherlock left John goes to check on him coming back only a few minutes later.
"He said he's fine but I don't think he'll come back out any time soon," he says sitting back down.
"Thats ok I'll give him his tomorrow," I sigh, "hear you go molly, merry Christmas," I murmer with false enthusiasm handing her a China mug with intricate designs hand painted onto the surface.
I then hand her a small jar of coffee and a novelty scarf.
Next I hand lestrade a small box of chocolates and a journal which looks similar to that of the one the winchesters use in supernatural. I give Mrs Hudson a ceramic teapot and a small golden chain and pendant of an angel. Next I hand John his gift a high quality antique pocket watch (with a small photo of him, sherlock and I from when we had gone out on a case -the first case I properly helped on- just inside like a locket) And a small flash drive, on which I had a small collection of photos of the three of us and a small letter to sherlock and him. Lastly I gave Delilah her presents. A replica of dean's samlet from supernatural, a small Tardis Keychain and the Harry Potter series on DVD and as hard cover books with the hufflepuff style covers.
Let's just say she was more then thrilled and some of the others were a little jealous of her gifts.
After all gifts had been exchange and all the alcohol had been drunk or well hidden to prevent more drinking (And a few good videos of drunk lestrade had been taken) I helped John call cabs for everyone to ensure they got home safe. I then saw Delilah off after she insisted that she did not need to stay the night and that she would get home safe.
I stayed up another half an hour after that organizing all the dishes and left over wrapping paper. After the apartment was relatively clean I head off to bed.
Entering the room I note that sherlock must not have moved from his bed at all since he had come in hear other then to close the door.
I sit down next to him and smile kindly
"Are you OK dad?" I ask concerned
"I'm fine, you should be getting to bed Maria it's late," he says not looking at me or even moving. I sigh.
"Look I know you liked Irene adler, I'm sure if she didn't beat me and then drug me I might also have liked her a little but mopping around like this isn't going to help," I say placing a hand on his arm.
"Don't shut yourself off again. I won't be hear much longer I have to go back to mother so I want you to promise me that you won't do that, not again," I ask softly.
He moves slightly to glance at me.
"Your just like your mother sometimes," he says.
"Yes and the rest of the time I'm sassy, determined, ever so slightly emotional and extremely smart... so tell me father, why are you so sad this time, what's so different about this text?" I ask leaning down to hug him. He sighs and allows it.
"I have reason to believe, that Irene adler is dead," he says monotonously. I frown and bite my lip slightly.
"If that's so, we can go down to the morgue tomorrow... or when they find her... and you can say your goodbyes, if that's what you want," I say. "But I'm going to bed now because as you said, it's late, and I am tired... I would suggest that you try to sleep also, good night," I say getting up and walking over to my bed, I fall into it face first and half heartedly pull the covers over me
"Maria, you should brush your teeth and Get changed into your pajamas first," Sherlock says.
"Are you going to do that?" I ask the question muffled by my pillow.
"No," he says
"Then neither am I,  I guess I got your stubbornness to," I say.

(Ok so this is more or less a filler chapter and it's really bad so sorry about that hopefully the next one is better. Also get a little father daughter time with Sherlock and Maria I'll try have more of that. Peace out )

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