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Sherlock Holmes.
Chapter two.

After Slipping the pink phone into the pocket of my shirt, I run my hands through my hair letting out a small sigh. This one was very intriguing but the hostage. The blind old lady she started to describe the man's voice and got herself and twelve other people killed. So he put himself in the line of fire. But who is he? The bomber, though this case is keeping me entertained he is too dangerous to be walking around free. He has already threatened the life's of many and caused the death of many also, and while I don't let that bother me I can't let anyone else die because of him either. The hostages are getting slightly worse too. First a single lady in a car a decent while away from other people. Then the man in the crowd and then the poor old blind lady. Anyone could be next.
"Would it hurt for you to at least pretend to care about these people," John says. Or that's what it sounded like I had not been paying it much attention. I look up at him with a scoff.
"Will caring about them help to save them?" I snap. John huffs
"No..." he replies
"Then I'll continue not making that mistake" I snarkily spit back.
I start to think about how these cases could possibly be linked. the thoughts are interrupted by the phone I had just put into my pocket being pulled back out as the sound of an incoming message is made. I open the screen and stare at the picture. John was Clearly still upset with me for my emotional detachment to the case. But nonetheless, I look up from the screen to him.
"Its a picture of the Thames river..." I say he doesn't look at me. "I'll search the police database to find anything around or between the... your angry with me?" I ask noting he had made no move to listen like usual. Finally looking at me he raises an eyebrow
"Yes I am good deduction" he grumps. Causing me to sigh.

---[time skip the Thames river banks]---
Looking down at the body I start deducting possibilities as of why the bomber would have tipped me off.
Security guard. Somewhere recognizable. I glance at John. Giving him a soft smile that goes by unnoticed I then look down the ground. "What do you think John?" I ask aware he is still slightly angry with me.
"Well he has been in the water a while but by the looks of it cause of death was strangulation," John says tanned fingers hovering just above the dead man's sickly bruised neck. I give John a small smile though I guess It probably would be seen as a smirk by some as it was only a half smile. I turn to Lestrade
"I suspect we should go investigate that Vermeer painting now, good day Lestrade," I say as I begin walking away only to have John draw me back. with a simple phrase.
"Wait What painting?"

As mother pulls up in front of fathers new apartment I inspect all aspects of it even the little sandwich shop located beneath it.
"221b baker street," I say let the address role off my tongue. I repeat it a few times to let it sink in. This is a ritual of sorts I always find myself doing so to let my mind attach itself to the new home. I would be living here for the next year after all I want to be comfortable as fast as possible. I turn to mother and grin.
"I love you, stay safe and if that mister Moriarty returns then punch him in the nose and give 'em some real damage, yeah?" I say
My mother laughs a beautiful genuinely pleasing sound.
"Violent child, you must get it from all those books," she says hugging me and reaching over to open the door of the gorgeous midnight blue car. A stunning looking car.  more low-key than the other that uncle had gifted us. I hop out with a huge smile and pull all my suitcases from the back. Once I successfully get them up onto the steps I wave goodbye to mother and knock on the door. String the knocker back slightly offset to the right as I deduce that father must like it that way for some reason. After a few minutes, the door swings open and an elderly lady peaks out.
"Ah hello dear, what would you like?" She asks kindly. I smile brightly.
"I'm here for Sherlock Holmes he was expecting me. Although I may be slightly early?" I say politely
She looks slightly confused but opens the door wide to let me in. I pull my staircases inside and to the foot of the steps.
"His apartment is just up here do you need help with your suitcase?" The lady asks.
"No thanks ma'am mother has told me I should learn to only pack enough that I can carry it by myself so I'm teaching myself how to cope with more then one case," I smile boldly. She again looks confused but slightly impressed. I had told mother, that I would do this to be cheeky because she always wanted me to learn how to be practical when packing for fathers as he had a tendency to buy me more stuff when he decided I needed it. Even if I didn't. Once up the stairs, the lady opens a door which leads to a cluttered and dusty lounge. I grin as my eyes are immediately drawn to the piles and shelves of dusty books.
"Maria," I say holding a hand out. "Sorry I should have introduced myself before but I guess I forget to, how rude of me," I say almost to scold myself. Mother had raised me better than that.
"That's quite alright dear, miss Hudson, I'm the landlady," she says shaking my hand.
"Ooh, landlady so you know all the gossip on Sherlock then?" I grin devilishly. She smiles and raises a finger in a shushing like gesture with a small wink.
"Only all the best," she says with a giggle. I smirk and mischievously reply with "Perfect."

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