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Sherlock pov.
"Hey, John?" I call out from my usual spot lying on the couch. Fingers steepled and under my chin.
"Yeah Sherlock," John answers as he sits in his chair.
"Am I a good father? even If I don't love my wife the same as I use to? or give my daughter the attention and recognition she deserves?" I ask quietly as I think about Maria. She is almost old enough to go off and live by herself, would she visit him often once she left home?
"I'm not sure I understand what you mean Sherlock?" John says now sitting on the edge of his chair twisting around slightly to face me.
"I was just thinking of something Maria said, don't worry about it forget I even asked, it's not important," I mutter rolling over to face the back of the couch and pulling my silk dressing get gown around me. Truth be told It was important to me, I know I tell everyone I am a high functioning sociopath but I do experience emotions I'm just an expert at hiding them.
"Sherlock I've only known for like two days that You even had a daughter and I can already tell you with certainty that she loves you no matter what," John says before picking up his laptop and typing.
"It's taking longer this time, for the call," I say My hand brushing against the pink phone.
"Well, you could always go help Mycroft find that flash drive.
"Don't need to, I've got my best man on the job" I smirk rolling onto my back again.
"And who is that?" John asks.
"You of course," I say eyes closed.
"Course," John sighs. "Guess I'll be back later then." He says shutting the laptop and setting it aside. Getting up and grabbing his coat John walks out the door.
I wait a few minutes until I hear the front door shut then wait for a few more just to be sure.
Once certain that John was out in leap up and grab my coat to follow him. No way was I letting him have all the fun by himself.

Maria's Pov
Walking out of the shop I now had two bags of clothing, one bag of accessories, three pairs of shoes and three bags of art and craft supplies. I don't want to be getting bored now do I.
I turn to my newly made and only friend.
"So I guess I should go home now, father is probably doing something rather stupid and I should be there to supervise him," I say addressing Delilah.
"Sure that's understandable, my father talks about him all the time y'know. Talks about how much he dislikes him and how much of a show-off and freak he is... maybe that was why I was surprised when you both did that deduction thing. Your not freaks like my father and his slut say you are through your really cool and smart. I like that you. Will you be helping your father with cases I really would love to see my father's face when he finds out your his daughter. Could post it online and make a meme out of it," Delilah rambles.
"Sure hear have my number I'll text you later and we can keep in touch I'll text you if I'm ever going with Sherlock to the yard. I say handing over my phone and taking hers to enter my number into it. Her phone was an older model but still Farley new, obviously handed down from her father.
"Cool, I guess I'll see ya around then. Bye Maria, it was a pleasure to meet you and your father in person. Do tell John to keep writing the blog I love it. And your father's one too he needs to write some more." Delilah says giving me a quick hug before leaving. I shift the bags I was holding a bit to make them slightly more comfortable, then I walk out of the mall to catch a cab.

The drive home was slow and quiet save for the idle chit chat provided by the cabbie.
"Out shopping with your friends?"
"I don't really have friends. Emotional attachments are a weakness" I mutter under my breath though I think back on Delilah, perhaps one attachment wouldn't be so bad.

"Just up here by the shop," I say gesturing to the sandwich shop Under my father's apartment
"Aint that where that detective lives? You ain't in any trouble. are you miss?"
"Not yet. But it's only a matter of time really"

I got out of the cab and paid the cabbie before walking up the steps when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.
Hey, it's D (Delilah) just thought to actually send a text through and make sure it was the correct number, but yeah this is my number!! 😅

Hey D it's me, Maria, I assure I gave you the correct number.

I walked up the steps to the flat announcing my arrival as I went.
"I told you that money was for transport, not clothes and a taxi!" My father called from the living room.
"I didn't buy too much, just a few shirts a couple pairs of pants and a new hoodie.
"Text me next time."
"I will, did you clean at all?"
"Not yet. There's a case"
"Oh yes, so you said. Clean the kitchen. I'll go put my things away."
"I've cleared out the bedside draws and the cabinet for you."
"Perfect, thank you, father. I'll ring uncle Mycroft invite him over for tea, have him buy us dinner because there's no way in hell I'll be cooking in that kitchen until it's been properly sanitized and you have already spent buckets today."
"No we can get take out I know a place"
"Ah hello, uncle dearest.- Yes, I'm at daddy dearest's flat now.- Ah yes perfect could you stop by a nice take out place and bring back some dinner when you come?-"
"Oh God Damn it" dad mutters from his spot.
"-Perfect! Thank you, uncle Mikey- oh please I'll call you that all I like. Bye, bye uncle Mikey I'll see you later on" and with that, I flick my phone shut and grin.
"I hate you" Sherlock pouts.
"Aww damn it how will I get new clothes and food now I guess I better start sucking up to John for all my stuff," I over dramatically say falling back onto the couch.
"OR get a job," John says walking on with a cup of tea in his hand.
"Hmm, what do you want to do for a job Maria?" Sherlock asks picking up his own cup and taking a sip.
"Oh, why I want to be a detective just like you when I grow up father dearest!" I say cheerfully punching my hand half-heartedly into the air.
"Oh don't be ridiculous that is a horrible idea! You'll never make a good enough living if you follow in my footsteps," Sherlock says earning himself a small look from John.
"I kid, I kid, I want to be an artist or maybe musician like mother, I don't know, I don't think of it much but I do know that although detective work is a fun pastime it is too hhhmmm social," I say waving my hand in a dismissive manner.
"Although I would like to help you with some of your cases still father," I say with a smile.
"Oh John, Mycroft is coming for dinner you don't mind do you?" I smile

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