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Maria pov
It had been some time since we had meet Irene adler, it was now almost Christmas and I -having decided to go out and shop for gifts- was now at the mall sitting at my preferred table at the coffee shop which Delilah still happily worked at as a waitress and barista.
I sit with my head resting in my arms on the table and my phone on the table next to me as I listen to the generic mall music.
"Hear ya go buddy," Delilah says setting my regular meal down in front of me and then leaning so her face is right next to mine,
"So what do you say you eat up your amazing, delicious, scrumptious spiced sponge cake and drink up your gorgeously warm hazelnut latte with extra cream and caramel drizzle, and then when I get off shift in half an hour you and I go shopping and you tell me all about what is bothering you, that sound good?" Delilah asks me using her soft soothing voice to convince me to eat as if she were writing an English assignment.
"Ok but only if you promise me that you will never patronize me like that again," I say with a small smirk.
"Deal now eat I have customers to serve," she says standing up and straightening her apron before returning to the cash register to take the order of the people who had been waiting in line.
I lift my head out of my arms and take a sip of my drink, smiling as the warmth spreads through me calming my racing thoughts just slightly.
(Time skip )

I place the now empty cup and saucer on to the plate which had held the cake and then pick my phone up putting it into my pocket as I stand. I sling my bag over my shoulder and pick up the dishes carrying them into the kitchen.
"Thanks guys, Quinn the cake was delectable as always," I say setting the dishes down on the designated bench of dirty dishes.
I'd grown rather close with the workers hear as I had come to hang out with Delilah over the past months.
"I'm going to miss you guys I'll see you after  Christmas, I'll leave a nice tip for you all," I say as I walk out to meet up with Delilah at the register.
"Have a lovely holiday, Maria, say hi to that father of yours," rosy calls out as she hands a cake to Quinn to be iced for the cafes display case.
I pull out two fifty pound notes
and drop them into the tip jar as well as a few small key chain charms for cafes two bakers and other staff.
"Alright kiddo, let's go find you a nice shop to roam around," Delilah says hanging up her apron and grabbing her bag. I give her a smile.
"I'm not a kiddo... kiddo," I say with a smirk.
"Ah hush you are sad so you are my kiddo until I help you feel better," she says grabbing my hand and dragging me off to one of the more generic shops.
"Right so start talking, my friend instincts tell me it's is bothering you a lot, and you have been like this for a while now so it must be something important," she says grabbing a basket.
"Well since you so very much insist, darling friend, I am sick of adults looking down at me because I am a teenager for one thing... and I am suddenly realizing that it's almost Christmas, and I will be returning to my mother, which is great but I have really loved helping my father on cases and... like, I want to help him to express his feelings more and stuff, and he kind of has been but only for bloody Irene adler, like we still technically have a case against her and it's bugging me, then there is the fact that my uncle keeps insisting that I don't need friends, but I like you you are a cool human," I spit out in one fast paced rant. Delilah being the amazing friend which she has always been since we started being great friends nods and hugs me with one arm.
"Right well first off, I've still never meet your uncle but he is a pompous ass so don't listen to him when he says things like that, yeah, secondly, adults will look down on you if you a teenager no matter who you are because adults are asses just don't worry about it to much, your father is like Hella gay so I wouldn't worry about this Adler chick and you've told me many times that he never responds to her messages on that he seems to hold emotion when reading the texts from her right? So therefore I don't think that's a problem yet, and I'll keep an eye on him and push him towards John for you while you're away, and that brings us to your mother, you say she lives in the country right but that doesn't stop you from driving in and visiting us right, I'm sure she won't mind," Delilah says. We now stand in line at the check-out with and basket full of Christmas gifts for her to give to friends and family and a few for me to give to people.
"Yeah but I won't get to see my father as much, I kind of wish I had more time with him rather then just one year every four years, that's only a like a quarter on my life spent with him,' I say as we pay.
Moving on to the next shop a more pricy shop with higher quality suits and jewelry and other things like that.
"I mean you could always organize that," Delilah says.
"I suppose so, but I do miss my mother, she hasn't called me really since I got kidnapped by that crazy Irish guy with the mega crush on dad," I say
Delilah nods in agreement.
"Yeah you keep mentioning that did your uncle every check on her? It is slightly worrying to hear that she still hasn't called or anything, and I'm also surprised she didn't pick up when you called her," Delilah says as I finish gathering the last of my gifts for people.
"Yeah, I'm sure she's just been busy but I am still really worried about her," I sigh paying for the gifts.

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