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Sherlock pov
After walking through the shop for a while picking up everything Maria had asked for (plus a few extra things). I walk to the self-checkout machine to pay for it.
As I wait in line a couple behind me whisper.
"Aww he is so sweet buying thing for his girlfriend," the woman says
"It could be for his wife, he's old enough," he boyfriend says. My eyes twitched.
I turn my head slightly to see them.
The woman was very clearly not older than twenty-three and the man a little older. She was a preschool teacher and he was a student, studying Either computing or engineering.
"That's rude Lucas's" she whispers slapping his arm slightly in arm playing way.
I turn to them and give a fake smile
"I will have you know that it's for my daughter you arrogant twat," I said before turning back around and walking to a machine.
Buying everything and paying I go to leave and get home as fast as possible. As I walk quickly out of the shop, the couple from behind me jog up to me.
"SIR, I am so sorry sir I did not mean to offend you I just think it is very kind of you to do that for your daughter," the woman says with a slightly pink face.
"Look we are both really sorry for being so rude and talking about you like that and hope you can accept this as an apology," the man says handing me a small box of chocolates.
"I... OK?" I cautiously take the chocolates and look up them
They both smile widely as a look of utter relief wash over them.
"Your wife and daughter are very lucky women to have a loving man like you in their lives." The woman says.
"I'm... I don't see my wife any more. We had a disagreement when my daughter was born and went our separate ways." I say. I don't know why I felt compelled to tell these strangers of my life.
"Oh god I am so sorry I didn't mean to assume anything, dear God I need to just shut up sometimes," she says covering her face with her hands.
"Hey do I know you from somewhere? I swear I've seen you before?" The man asks.
I shrug
"Highly unlikely that we have met but you might have seen me, I work with Scotland Yard occasionally, the names Sherlock Holmes," I introduce holding a hand out to shake.
"That's it! you're the consulting detective from Doctor Watson's blog!"He smiles.
"Oh my God you are so much nicer then he makes you out to be," the woman says with a chuckle.
"Nicer?" I say with my face scrunched up.
"Yeah, he always makes it sound like you're a bit of an emotionless machine on the blog but you're a really nice bloke," the man says.
"Well really should get going I have work in the morning it was absolutely lovely meeting you mister holmes." The woman says. The man nods and starts walking away I shake the woman's hand and smirk. Leaning forward slightly I whisper.
"You may want to take a pregnancy test." Before turning and walking towards baker street. I hear the man ask her what I said and her flustered answer of nothing.

Maria Pov

It wasn't too long after Sherlock had gotten back from the shop.

While he had been gone I had managed to get from my bed to the couch. There I had sat with on arm gripping my stomach and the other held a Luke warm cup of coffee.
"Your father confuses me sometimes," John says a response to something I must have said. Although I must admit I have not been paying much attention to this conversation.
"How so?" I inquire with a small strained smirk. Sure I'm in pain that doesn't mean I can't joke.
"I'm not gay!" He groans "What I mean is he acts so... emotionless around every except for us, me you and Mrs Hudson are as far as I have seen the only people he has... acknowledged... I guess what I'm trying to say is he shows emotion around us. Sometimes I think he doesn't actually realize it," John says staring at Sherlock's empty chair. He takes a sip of his tea. I drink a little coffee before pulling a face and shuddering.
"You ok?" John asks as he notices my face.
"Its bloody as cold as my uncle's heart" I mutter putting the cup down with an overly exaggerated and sarcastic sigh.
It was about now that father walked in.
"You are making fun of my brother without me again?" He scoffs handing me the grocery bag.
"You want some cold coffee?" I ask pointing at the mug.
"Its half empty," he says looking into it.
"Yes it is, good deduction there, father," I say as though he were a child.
He picks it up and takes a sip.
"And it's cold" he huffs.
"Yeah, no shit Sherlock I literally just said that!" I sassily exclaim.
John stands up pulls the cup out of Sherlock's hand and walks to the microwave. He opens it grimaces, pulls out a jar with an eyeball floating in it in some strange liquid. He puts the mug in and turns it on handing Sherlock the eyeball jar.
"Tomorrow you're buying a new microwave so we have one that is NOT a biohazard," he says with a raised eyebrow.
The microwave beeps and he takes the coffee out and gives it back to Sherlock
"drink it or not, now it is not cold, tada magic," he says throwing his hands up slightly with as much dramatic flair as sherlock normal uses. Rather out of character for John but I think I could get used to this side of him. Then again with me and Sherlock we already have way too many drama Queens.
"Actually it's a microwave so it's science..." I mutter before father goes off on a rant about the specifics.
"Yeah. Right. Well, I'm off to bed good night.." John says walking off towards his room.
"Night, actually I might go to bed tonight, father, don't do anything stupid while I'm asleep, I wouldn't want to miss out," I say with a small smile. I stand up and  I shuffle to my room taking the painkillers and a chocolate bar out of the bag and dumping the rest on the desk chair to sort in the morning.

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