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Maria pov
We were now Sitting at a small table in the food Cort in the café section,  with Sherlock next to me and John sitting across from us. We made light conversation as we chose what to eat.
"Hello I'm Delilah I'll be your waitress, have you decided on what you're getting?" A girl around my age asked. She seemed cheerful but she had a bored look in her eyes.
"Hi, can I please get a medium hazelnut late with a chocolate cake" I list of as she writes down my order "white, milk or dark chocolate? I recommended the white chocolate with that drink-" she pauses to smile. "The hazelnut latte also goes well with the milk chocolate."
"Uh, alrighty white chocolate sounds grand please"
"Sweet, and you sir" she made her way around the table to the right keeping open body language as she took my father and Dr Watson's order.
"-for Dr.Watson that'll round up to $30," my father pulled a few notes from his coat and handed it to her "Okie Dokie I'll bring your orders as soon as I can."

"Strange that one" Sherlock says.
"I like her she says Okie Dokie" I state.
"She has secrets, she likes you more than us by the way. Also, did you notice she knew our names without hesitation?"
"So did that bimbo remember-"
"What bimbo?" John asks.
"Just some check out chick at a store we stopped by. And besides, you two are quite famous"
"What did you deduce from her?"
"Oh for f...," I sigh. I hated playing deduction, dad and uncle always bet me. "She's around my age, still in high school but not enjoying it. One of her parents must be in a public servant-"
"Officer or lawyer, why?" My father cuts in John looked somewhat shocked.
"The pepper spray in her pocket and the rape whistle on her keychain. Only someone who's seen the darkness of the world would have both. That's it." I felt accomplished as finish my little speech.
"Your missing something. Her parents are newly split and she's an only child."
"What makes you think her parents are split?" I asked,
"The way she Carry's herself and how she looked at you when you called me your dad and called John, John. it showed that she thought you must have gone through what she is going through and you're fine"
"Amazing! You really can do that!" Delilah's voice spoke from behind us.
"I tried to tell you" John muttered sitting back in his seat.
"That was brilliant, I've heard story's about you being able to do that but wow, they just don't do it Justice" she jumped from that topic to our orders as she placed them in front of us. "Sorry uh here, Hazelnut latte and chocolate cake for you, an Earl Grey tea for Mr Holmes and a chai tea and rum cake for Dr Watson, anything else?" She smiled again.
"No thank you," John answers.
"Okay give me a wave if you need anything" with that she walked back to the kitchen.

We ate and chatted about what we would do during the day. After about half an hour father got a call.
"Oh, what now Lestrade? Very well we'll be there shortly" he hung up and turned to me and John. "There's a case. Something about Moriarty we'll drop you back at the flat" he pointed at me.
"No, I'll get bored"
"Well, it's either that or Mycroft."
"Why don't I stay at the mall then go back to the flat when I'm ready"
"You'll get lost"
"But- that's not- urgh" I slouch in my seat and then begin picking up my bags.
"Oh are you all off?"
"Ah yes. You look like your heading off too" John says.
"Yeah, my shift just finished." She pointed in the detection of the kitchen.
"I don't really want to go but father thinks I'll get lost."
"Well, I could hang with you. I know London like the back of my hand, and I have nowhere to be"
"Sounds great! Please, Dad?" He gave me a bored look before.
"Fine. Don't stay out too long. Here you can use my keys and this. Is for travel only" He handed me his keys and his cash card.
"Thank you! I'll see you later have fun on the case!" The two walked out if the cafe and I turn to Delilah 
"so what shall we do?" I ask with a smile.
"Oh um well I guess I should start with an introduction, the names Delilah Anderson and as the great Sherlock Holmes and you have both deduced I am in my last year of the hell which is called high school, my parents are split because mum is an addict and dad was having an affair with some slut from work at the yard. Now that we got that out the way I guess I need some new shoes to want to help me pick?" Delilah says rather cheerfully.
"Oh heavens you know what I think some nice high top shoes would be absolutely gorgeous with that outfit." I grin as I use a prissy girly girl voice in mock of all the stereotypical preppy girls from movies.
"Sounds great" she laughs.

Sorry, it's kinda short I haven't got a clue where to go with this chapter other they hear so a huge thanks to dating_Cas for writing the majority of those for me because otherwise, it would have been late cus imma lazy ass. Cheers

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