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As the group got into their history of magic studying Luna found something that could be helpful to Draco's mother.
"Draco it says here that if a person is forced to endure more than 5 years are emotional and physical torment from their spouse they get half or all of their spouses money in the divorce." Luna held the book out for him to see.

Draco leaned over to read. "This is perfect. Luna, thank you for saying something. This may just be what Mum needs. I should write to her now."

Just as he spoke there could be pecking heard on the window next to the table.
"Draco I think that's for you. That's the family owl." Ron stood up to open the window.

Draco quickly got up from his chair to help Ron and get the letter.

Harry watched in suspense as Draco read the letter. Draco went pale and Harry stood up.

"The trial date.... its this weekend....they want me Harry Hermione and Ron to be there. Me to testify. You three for moral support. Mrs Weasley wrote it. Mum has thrown herself into research and is trying to skip meals." Draco said looking up.

"When do they want us to leave?" Hermione stood up as the doors opened to reveal dumbledore sirius and Remus.

"Now. If that's alright." Sirius said "Narcissa needs her son. She's tried to keep him out of as much of it as possible but I had to step in. She needs you now Draco."

Draco nodded

"You things can be sent to Sirius' in London where you'll all be staying for the trial. The four  of your are excused from schoolwork for a emotional break." Dumbledore told them

"Thank you Headmaster." Draco smiled

"You deserve to have friends with you. You need them. Your mother needs you." Remus smiled

"Luna Neville if you'd allow me to escort you back to your towers?"Dumbledore smiled

Luna stood to follow Dumbledore. "Don't forget to write Ron."

"I won't." Ron blushed

"We'll keep you guys in on what happens around here." Neville smiled standing.

"Luna I'm sorry we have to cut things short. It really is a wonderful idea to be able to get to you all. When the trial is over we can try this again yeah?" Draco suggested

"I wouldn't mind." She smiled as they left

"We'll go on the train. Mrs. Weasley is bringing Narcissa to kings cross to meet us later on." Remus told them

"Um my parents may not be okay with this..." Hermione spoke up

"McGonagall worked things out with them this morning." Sirius smiled.

"Everyone have their wands?" Remus asked

"Always do." Harry nodded

The others nodded in agreement

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