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"We can't let anyone know about this yet." Hagrid said in the door way

"He's right. Image the horrible onslaught of media." Remus said

"Right. Um how exactly did this happen?" Herimone asked

"A babysitting accident." Harry told her before Remus could open his mouth.

Herimone nodded not saying anything.

"You'll be in here for at least a week. Ron and Herimone will bring you homework. Be careful and I'll be on alert if you need someone to talk to." Remus told Harry

"Thank you." Harry nodded

"I'll walk you out Remus." Hagrid said as Remus started towards the door.

Hagrid and Remus walked  towards the door without a word.

Herimone and Ron walked to Harry's bedside.

"Your taking this well." Herimone said

"What else am I supposed do? I can't very well freak out. Everyone always knew it was a possibility that This would happen." Harry said

"He's got a point 'mione" 

"Aren't you unsettled at all?" She asked

"Of course I am but what am I supposed to do?"

"I guess you're right. Stressing about it won't help you get it under control will it?" Herimone shrugged

"We should go get some lunch Mione." Ron murmured

"Before you say anything. He's right. Go eat. Come see me before dinner tonight." Harry told them sternly

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