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Harry had been racking his brain to find a way to help Draco trust people better. Yet he simply couldn't think of anything. Each time he had an idea he knew it wouldn't work for Draco because being nice to him on its own wasn't going to help. Draco simply just needed time to get used to having someone other than his mother who cared for him. It seemed that Time was the only thing that could help Draco right now.

Harry was on his daily trip to the library to find Draco when he spotted Seamus and Theo making out furiously next to the the library door.
Harry smiled thinking they must've finally decided it was time to put rumors to rest.
Harry walked around them and pushed the library door open.
"Flich is coming guys." Harry shot a glance down the hall. Theo backed away from Seamus looking around.

"Thanks for the look out Harry." Seamus murmured as Harry walked into the library.

Harry proceeded to look down every row of bookshelves until he found Draco worrying over a transfiguration book.

"What are you fussing of over now?" Harry asked

"Just something I was looking into for Mum. Something about illegal transfiguration of dangerous magical creatures." Draco sighed

"For the trial?" Harry asked

Draco nodded "Yeah Father had a bit of a little illegal trade when I was little. I don't remember it but she does."

"She remembers everything exactly the way it happened I'll bet. The only reason this is happening now is to protect you. That's what she's always done." Harry sighed

Draco smiled at Harry. "You're right. She's always done what's in my best interest. Never put herself first. Always me."

"She's a good mother Draco." Harry told him.

"Your mother died saving you. She was a good mother." Draco said

"Yeah She was. All I'm saying is even though your Dad is horrible your lucky to have a mother like Narcissa." Harry swallowed hard  trying not to think of Lily.

"I didn't mean to make you upset." Draco put the book on the shelf and stepped towards Harry.

"I know. You were being nice. Thinking about her is hard even now." Harry shook his head

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