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Draco was moved to the bed to Harry's left and  Gryffindors and Slytherins dropped in every so often with the last gossip or assignments.

Harry hated when other students were in the room. He couldn't talk to Draco without exposing them. They couldn't let Lucius know about them. At least not yet.  The only way to keep him from knowing was to keep the students from getting the information.

Each time a Gryffindor came in looking for Harry they passed Draco with dirty looks on their faces.

Harry swore if one more kid came in with that look on their face he'd kill.

"You okay?" Draco asks pulling Harry out of his thoughts.

"Just thinking." Harry sighed

"You look ready to kill."

"I am."

"I thought so. " Draco sighed. "It won't always be like this."

"I know. It just makes me so mad when people give you that look. Can't believe I actually did that." Harry griped

"We were  like that to each other. It's not like it was a one sided thing Harry." Draco sighed watching his Mate in utter disbelief.

"I know." Harry huffed

"Well you shouldn't be encouraging him so much Ron. Neville needs to think about his future not some girl." Hermione's voice cut the conversation short

"You wouldn't be saying that if you knew what girl he likes." Ron said as the walked into the hospital wing

"Who is it?" Harry asked keep their attention off of Draco.

"It's this bookworm here." Ron gestured to Herimone. "And honestly the boy needs to do something about it."

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