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Draco woke to the sound of hushed voices. 

"Leave him alone. He's going through enough without you picking fights Blaise." Theo's voice could be heard

"You're standing up for a gay man who happens to be dating the boy who wouldn't die. What's gotten into you Theo?" Blaise countered 

"I'm standing up for someone who is going through a divorce. You may be to stupid to know that a divorce is always hard on the kids. Leave it alone." Theo's voice held anger 

"What are you pissed about Zabini? You mad because I wouldn't let you hurt that first year? " Draco asked sitting up 

"Shut your mouth Malfoy!" Blaise shot back 

"I'm going down to eat, If I get back and you still want to pick a fight go on and do it." Draco said standing up. 

The room fell silent as Draco started to get dressed. 

"You better watch who you're talking to. Potter can't protect you here." Blaise sneered 

"Why would he need to? If you lost the fact that I've just come into Veela genes you must clean out your ears." Draco smirked adjusting his tie.

"Veela genes aren't that dangerous." 

"On the contrary, Male veela have insane strength and heightened senses. So if you'd like to try and push me to lash out be. My. Guest." Draco snarled 

"Lash out will you?"Blaise stood 

"No one is lashing out. Sit down!" Theo snapped 

"You needn't worry Theo.He's not going to do anything."Draco said grabbing his bag and starting towards the door. 

"I hope you fall off a staircase!" Blaise shouted after him. 

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