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Draco and Theo made their way to Slytherin common room together. 

Draco still felt a feeling of overwhelming dread about what everyone had to say. He wasn't sure exactly what he could do to make things easier on himself. Crabbe and Goyle were too stupid to have feelings about much but gay men they hated above all else. Homophobic as Theo called them.  That was fine with Draco. They never really liked him anyway just feared him. 

"Draco, Pansy has been raging since she found out about it. She's going to give you a very very hard time about it when you see her. Just thought I'd warn you." Theo told him just as said woman came into view 

"YOU! You little sneak! You've been gay this whole time! How could you do this to me?" She demanded 

"One I haven't been gay the whole time. It just happens that my mate Is a man. And what the hell do you mean do this to you? We've never been a thing Parkinson. You've been with the whole of Slytherin house except me!" Draco blew off some steam 

"You know we've had a marriage contract drawn up Draco!" Pansy shouted 

"Well anything my good for nothing father drew up for me in no longer valid! He's disowned me and my mother so shut your mouth!" Draco shouted back getting in her face 

"You foul bastard!" She gasped and shoved passed him 

"That wasn't so bad." Draco sighed 

"Feeling a bit better?" Theo asked

Draco nodded and started walking down the stairs 

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