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Draco and Harry spent most of the day talking and learning about each other.

"Okay okay favorite book?" Draco asked recovering from a laughing fit.

"Um.... I don't read enough to have a favorite." Harry said. "But um what's your's?"

"It's the only muggle thing mum had. It's called Great Expectations. I love it. It's just so well written." Draco said

"You're favorite book is a muggle piece?" Harry cocked an eyebrow at the boy sitting across from him on the cot.

"Yes. Yes okay." Draco sighed "No one knows about it."

"You're full of surprises." Harry smiled.

"More than you know." Draco smirked

"Is that so?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow at the blond

"You'll learn slowly." Draco veiled mysteriously

"A man of mystery I see." Harry laughed

"You're one open book." Draco chuckled

"For the most part I am" Harry shrugged

"Not what I'd expect after all the media has said." Draco said. "Not that I believe it."

"Yeah they made me out as some mysterious kid who hid everything. When honestly I'm an open book. Not hiding anything usually."

"I don't know why people think it's more interesting than who you really are." Draco sighed

"Girls think it's more interesting. More possibilities of how I'd be around them."

"I seriously don't understand that."

"Neither do I. It's just what I've seen and heard." Harry shrugged

"Anywaaaaaay it's your turn to ask a question." Draco said getting them back on track

"Right right. Favorite color?" Harry asked

"Contrary to popular belief my favorite color is actually like a forest green. Like um well like your eyes actually." Draco's cheeks turned pink as he spoke

"Really?" Harry smiled taking in the way Draco flushed with color

Draco nodded silently

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