Chapter 16 Video with Phil/ Phils Birthday

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Dan's P.O.V
     "It's not what it looks like Phil."  I said to him.  This is bad.  "Really? Cause it looks like you and Ally where going to have sex, while I'm not home."  Phil said.  "Oh, then it's exactly what it looks like."  I said. "So, Phil, how was your date?" Ally asked.

"It was great, we are dating now, stop trying to change the subject!" Phil said to Ally.  Oh sh*t!  How do we get out of this one??  "Uh, Phil, this is my room, and I can do what I want when I want with whoever I want."  I said.  That sounded so much better in my head...  "and what's that supposed to mean Dan?"  Phil asked me.

Ally's P.O.V
"Let's just forget about this! Why don't we go and play some video games?"  I suggested, trying to change the subject.  "Alright, why don't we just forget that this all happened?"  Phil said.  "I'm cool with that." I said.  "Yea, me too." Dan said.  We all walked out into the lounge, and sat on the couch.

"Hey, Ally, wanna film a video together?" He asked me. I smiled. "Sure." About an hour later, after Dan and I gave Phil his birthday presents, Phil said "how about we go film the video now, before it gets to late." He said. I nodded and we walked to his room.  "So, What video are we going to film?"  I asked Phil.  Phil shut his bedroom door.  "You will find out."  He said, with a smile. 

     We both her sitting on his bed.  He turned on his camera.  "Hey guys!"  He said.  "I'm here today, with my little sister Ally."  "Hey guys!  Yea. I know, I still don't have my own intro."  I said with a smile.  Phil laughed a little.  "Anyway, I'm here today making this video, because, I'm mad.  With you guys."  I was shocked.  How is Phil mad at his fans? 

     "Uh, Phil?" I asked.  "One second, Ally."  He said to me. "Since, Dan and Ally have posted videos and tweeted that they are dating, most things have been good. But, there are some, and excuse my language, some as*hats, who think that my little sister is running 'Phan' and she should go kill her self." Phil said. I was shocked, he never swears, unless he is really mad. I have no clue people where dating that about me.

"Dan, is the one who told me this, and deleted all the comments that said that, before you saw them Ally." Phil said to me. I was on the verge of tears. "Now, I would like you guys to stop harassing my little sister, and grow up. Now, I did not want to spent part of my birthday, making this video. But it looks like I have to, do hopefully the next time we talk, it will be in a happier note." Phil said and ended the video. I just started to cry.

"Why wouldn't you tell me this Phil?!" I yelled through my tears. Dan walked into the room. "So, you did it." He said to Phil. He nodded. Dan sat next to me and just hugged me. "I didn't know how else to tell you Ally, I'm sorry." Dan said. "I was going to make a video, on my channel about the same subject. But, only if you want me to." He said to me. I nodded, "but, I want to do most of the talking." I said. Dan nodded. "It can be when ever you want." He said.

I thought about for a minute. "Tomorrow, it's getting late, and I'm really tired. I just wanna go to bed." I said. "Alright, that's fine." Dan said.
Dan's P.O.V
I feel so bad for Ally. She grabbed my hand, and we lead me into our room. "I wanna go to bed at the same time as you. I don't want to be alone." She said, as she let go of my hand. I smiled at her. "Alright." I said. Then shut the door. We both got changed into our pyjamas. We both got under the blankets.

Ally snuggled close to me. I put my arm around her, and she ended up falling asleep before I did. I fell so bad that her brother had to tell her what people, are saying about her, I can't even tell her, and I'm her boyfriend! I think it's because I love her to much, so much, that I can't stand to see her upset.

At least she is taking her medications, that's the most important thing right now, they will keep her, somewhat stable. My thoughts kept going like this for a few hours. I ended up finally falling asleep.

Phil's P.O.V (the next morning)
I woke up in my bed, and just looked at the ceiling. I looked over at my dresser, and saw the photo frame that Ally and Dan got me for my birthday. It's a photo frame, with photos of all three of us. I really like it, I just have to figure out where to hang it in my room.

I grabbed my phone, unlocked my phone. My Twitter was just blowing up. Then it hit me. People where hating on me. Because of the video I made about Ally and Dan. I was reading through, the tweets, and the one really hit me. They said I bet Phil is just doing this so he can start dating Dan, or bang his sister. That one made me mad, and it doesn't even make all that much sense.
~Flashback to High School~. TRIGGER WARNING

I walked through the doors, and went to my locker. Then, after I grabbed my books, someone slammed my door shut. "Hey there gay lord." The one kid said. His name is Billy, he's the school bully. "Go away you twat." I said to him. I started to walk away. He grabbed the back of the back of my shirt.

"Not so fast." He said and slammed me against my locker. "What." I said. "So, hows you and your boyfriend Dan doing?" He asked while laughing. I was mad, we aren't dating! "We are not dating Billy!" I said. "Heh, sure your not." He said with a smirk. I mean, yea I have a crush on Dan, but only Ally knows. She's the only one who knows that I'm Bisexual.

"Ha! Anyway, go have fun with your boyfriend, and sister! Gay lord!" Billy said as he walked away. He doesn't get to me anymore. He's been doing this since the 5th grade. "Oh! And you may as well go kill yourself while your at it! No one will miss you!" That stung. But, with Martyn gone, I have to stay strong for Ally.  I walked into the boys bathroom.  Walked into a stall, sat down and cried. 

     I should be on antidepressants, like Ally, Martyn has some left, I've been using his, but, after they are gone, I'm screwed.  I take my backpack, and pull out a small blade.  I promised myself I would not do this again.  I pressed the cold metal against my pale white skin.  I pressed down and felt the blade dig into my skin once again.  I only made about 5 cuts in my wrist.  Good thing I'm wearing a long sleeve, today.  I put it away and barely made it to English class on time. 

~back to reality~  TRIGGER WARNING OVER
     I started to cry.  I don't want to tell Ally about that.  I'm fine now, I've stoped doing anything bad to myself.  I got up and walked to the kitchen and got some cereal. 

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