Chapter 3 Hospital

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Ally's P.O.V
     I was sitting on my bed.  There was a knock at my door. "Who is it?" I asked.  "It's Phil." "Come in." I said. Phil walked in and shut the door, he sat on my bed. "I'm sorry, about earlier." He said. I smiled a weak smile at him. "It's ok." I said. 

     "Ok, good, it's just, because your my little sister, I have to protect you, it's not moms fault that she couldn't while in the hospital, dad didn't even care.  I'm really really sorry Ally."  He said.  "Phil, I said I'm fine, it's ok."  He smiled a little.  "Ok."   There is an other knock on my door. It's obviously Dan.  "Come in Dan." I said. 

     "Oh, hi Phil, I didn't know that you where in here, uh, Ally can I ask you something?" I nodded.  "Would you like to be in a video with me for my channel?" I smiled.  "Sure, when do we start recording?" I asked.  "Whenever you want to." I thought for a minute.  "How about in 15 minutes?" I asked.  Dan nodded, "sure! I'll get the equipment set up in the meantime." 

     Phil and Dan both left the room.  Man, Dan is so cute, but Phil would freak out if we started dating.  But, there is no way Dan would like me like that.  He is like 7 years older then me.

I walk into Dan's room. "What are we recording?" I asked. "You will have to wait and see." He said with a cheeky smile. After a few minutes of Dan getting the camera in focus, he started recording.

"Hello Internet!" He said. I don't really have a Intro... I make music... I've never needed one... crap. "Hey guys!" I said waving to the camera imitating my brother. Dan laughed. "Really your starting off the video imitating Phil?" I nodded. "Anyway, we are going to do a Q&A! Now, I just tweeted out, but first let's each ask each other a question. I will go first." Dan said, and paused while he thought of a question.

"Now, I know that you are Phil's sister, but, how come you don't have a accent like him?" Dan asked. "Good question, I've lived in LA for most of my life, I still have the accent, but it's only clear when I yell." I replied. "This is a dumb question... I'm terrible at making questions, do you have a crush on someone right now?" I asked. Dan smiled and started to blush.

"Oooooo! Dan! Tell me who it is!" I explained. "I do, have a crush on someone, but that was NOT part of the question, and only one per person! So, HA!" Dan said then started laughing.
---time skip after the video---
Dan's P.O.V
"Well, that was fun." I said with a smile. Ally nodded. "Yea, it was." She paused. "Ok, now that the camera is not recording, you HAVE to tell me who you have a crush on!" She said while sitting on my bed. I can't tell her that she's who I like! "Fine! Give me a hint! Is it someone I know?" She asked. "It's someone you know yes." I replied.

Ally's P.O.V
I really want him to tell me that he likes me. But I know that he won't. There is no way he likes me like that. "Fine. I will get it out of you one day." I said as I got up off his bed.  "So, Phil's off doing something, so, what do you want to do?" I asked Dan. He shook his head. "I'm not sure."

I suddenly got a massive pain in my arms, and a massive migraine. Dan must have noticed something. "Ally, you look ill, are you alright?" It took me a second to say something. "Pain in my arms and head."  Then, everything went black. 

Dan's P.O.V
     Ally fell over on my bed.  Phil was not home, I had no clue what to do.  I called 999, shortly after the ambulance came with a stretcher and took her out of my room.  I called a taxi, while I was in the taxi going to the hospital I called Phil and told him what happened. 
--- time skip---
Phil's P.O.V
     I finally showed up to the hospital.  When I walked in I saw Dan.  "Why are you not with Ally?!" I said to him.  "They won't let me in unless I'm with someone related to her.  Because... she's in the intensive care unit."  When Dan told me that, my heart broke into a million pieces.  "Let's go see her!" I said walking to the nurses station.  "Excuse me, I would like to know where Allison Lester is, I'm her older brother Phillip Lester."  I said to her.  She nodded me and Dan followed her.  "She's just in here." She said and walked out. 

     Ally had IV's in her hands and arms.  She was asleep.  "Allison?" Dan questioned.  "That's her full name, but she's like me and prefers  her nick name.  But when it is a medical issue, we have to use our full names."  I explained to him.  "Ah, ok."  Two nurses walked in with a chair, one for me, and one for Dan. 

     "The doctor will be here soon to talk to both of you." The one said.  "Thank you." I said then they left.  Me and Dan where on either side of her.  "She's so pale." Dan remarked.  "Yea... more then usual." I said. 

Dan's P.O.V
     I saw that Phil was really worried.  "She will be ok Phil. She's strong."  I said trying to make him feel better.  "She's 19 Dan, she will be 20 in just under 2 weeks.  She'll be gone to soon."  He said with years in his eyes. 

     "She is NOT going to die Phil, she is so much stronger then that." I said putting emphasis on the word 'not'.  Then a good looking man walked into the room wearing a white coat, who I'm assuming is the doctor. 

     "Witch one of you is Phillip?" He asked.  "Me." Phil said.  "And who are you?" He asked looking at me.  "I'm Daniel." I said.  "Are you related to Mrs.Lester?" I shook my head.  "I'm sorry, but this is a family issue right now, only family is allowed to see her."  My heart sank. I have to stay, she's my best friend!  Think fast Dan!  "Please, I have to stay, im her boyfriend!" I said. Phil's face had shock written all over it.  The doctor sighed.  "Alright then... you can stay."  He said. I have Phil the 'I will explain later' look. 

Phil's P.O.V
     I didn't care about Dan right now, I just wanted to know what's wrong with my sister.  "Dr.Nickolas, what's wrong with my sister?" I asked.  "So, are you guys aware of her harming herself?" He asked.  We both nodded.  "It says that she has 6 different medications she has to take, she's been taking them daily correct?" He asked.  "Uh, actually she has not had them for months, there was a pervious incident, and I found out then." I explained.  "Well, get her to take them, they are very important for her to take." 

     "Now, due to the harming over the years, since she is 19 I'm going to guess by the scaring, she has been harming for 3 years now.  And due to her not keeping then clean, she got a infection.  And due to the one hospital visit she had when she was 17 in LA in the US, her doctor there sent me all of her information, her father beating her caused lung and heart problems."  I started to tear up.  How could she not tell me?

     "So, do you guys mind if I show you where the worse harming she has done to herself is?" He asked.  Me and Dan agreed that it would be good to see.  He showed us her arms and wrists.  Her upper thighs, where really bad, and the final place he showed us was her stomach.  Me and Dan both almost started to cry. 

     "When can she come home?" I asked him.  "Depends on when she wakes up.  Uh, it depends on that, and that we get her into the routine of actually taking her medication, we have them through IV's, we will give you guys a call when she wakes up, if you are not here.  She should be fine though.  Now, I'm sorry, but I have to run, I apologize." He said and left me and Dan with Ally.

     Me and Dan visited Ally for 1 month straight, everyday.  It was about 3 am when the phone woke us up.  We both got out of our rooms and I answered the phone.  "Hello?"  I said. "Hello, this is the London Hospital, is Phillip Lester there?" The woman asked.  "Speaking." I said.  "Great! Sorry to wake you at such a early time, but I was told to call you and Daniel immediately, and tell you guys that Allison, has woken up, and is asking for both of you."  I was so happy that I was speechless, "we will be right over! Thank you so much!" And I hung up the phone. Told Dan and we both ran to or rooms to get dressed.  Then hopped into a taxi and drove to the hospital. 

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