Chapter 13 Meeting Dan's Family

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Ally's P.O.V
I had gotten woken up by my alarm on my phone. Then I turned over and saw Dan lying beside me. Oh yea, I stayed in Dan's room again. I started to slowly wake up Dan. He groaned. "I don't want to get up." He said.

"You have to, we have a flight to catch in 2 hours, and we both have nothing packed." I said to him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. "No, can't we just stay like this? Forever?" He asked slightly more awake. I smiled. "As much as I would love that. We can't. We are flying out to see your family. Remember."

He kissed me. "Fine. But only because I love you." He said and let go of me. We both got out of bed. We slowly got our things together. Eventually we where ready to go.  "PHIL! WE ARE LEAVING! COME SAY BYE TO ME AND DAN!"  I shouted in the apartment.  "Ally, you cant yell like that! People will complain!"  Dan said.  "Oh whatever." I said jokingly.  Dan laughed a little. 

     Phil walked up to me and gave me a hug.  "Bye Ally.  I will miss you, while you are gone." He said to me.  "Awe! That cute!" I said jokingly.  "But I will miss you too Phil." I said back.  He smiled.  Phil put a hand on Dan's shoulder. 

     "Take care of her while you guys are gone, alright?" Phil said to him.  Dan knocked Phil's hand off of him.  "You know I will Phil, calm down."  He smiled at Dan.  "Ok, ok, you guys just have fun." "Bye Phil." I said as I opened the door.  Then I heard a car honk.  That would be the taxi.  "Dan! We are going to miss the taxi! We gotta go!" I said.  And we both rushed out the door. 

     Eventually we got to the airport.  We got through the security, and on our plane.  "You know, this is the second time I have ever been in a plane."  I told Dan.  "Really?" He asked. I nodded to him.  We got to where we are sitting, and I sat by the window.  "What if your parents don't like that we are dating, I mean, I've met them before... but what if they don't like us being together?"  I asked him. 

     Dan grabbed my hand.  "They will be fine with it." He said.  "But what if they don't like the fact of how much older you are then" Dan cut me off by saying, "I don't give a flying f*ck about that! Ally, if they don't like that, that's there issue, and before you ask, we are sharing a room, so they can just deal with it." Dan said. 

     He made me smile a bit.  God, I love him so much.  I gave him a quick kiss on the lips.  "I love you Dan Howell." I said to him.  He smiled.  "I love you too Ally Lester."  He replied. 

Dan's P.O.V
     I actually had no clue if my mum and Dad where going to be ok with me dating Ally.  I just told her that to make her feel better.  I let go of her hand, and put my hand on her leg closer to her knee, and rubbed her leg a bit.  "Nervous for the flight?" She asked.  "W-what? Oh uh, yea, I'm always a bit nervous whenever I go on flights." I said to her. "Ah." She said I'm reply.

I'm glad that her and Adrian will get to talk again. I'm pretty sure me and Ally feel asleep on the flight. We woke up, about 10 minutes before we landed. After the flight landed, and we got through security again, I saw my mum and dad waiting for us.

"Mum! Dad!" I said. "Dan!" They said and hugged me. We let go of each other. "You guys remember Ally, right? Phil and Martyn's little sister." I said to them. My mum gave Ally a hug. "It's so good to see you again Ally! Is been so long! How've you been? How's Phil? Do you have a boyfriend? Sorry, I'm asking to many questions." I laughed. "We can all catch up back at the house Mum, wait, where's Adrian?" I asked. "Oh, he's at the house right now." We all got in the car, and drove off to my parents house.

When we all got inside, Adrian, was right at the door waiting for us. He gave me a huge hug. Then when he saw Ally he hugged her also. "Ally! Dan! So good to see you guys!" He said. "Same to you." Me and Ally both said at the exact same time.

We both looked at each other and smiled. We are around each other to often. "Wait, are you guys like, dating or something?" He asked. I froze. I had no clue what to say. "No. Just best friends." Adrian looked at me. "Your lying." He said. "What! I am not." I said. Ally was speechless. "Dan, your my older brother, I've known you my whole life, I know when you are lying." He said.

I sighed. "Fine. Yes we are. Just don't tell mum and dad yet!" I said to him. He started to smile. "Don't worry, I would never, ever tell them without your permission." I smiled at him. "Thank you Adrian." I said. "Should we unpack our things?" Ally asked me. "Yea, here I will show you where we are sleeping." I lead her to my old room.

"You can just put your suitcase over there." I said to Ally as I pointed to a corner. Ally shut the bedroom door. "If your parents don't know that we are dating... how can we share a room without them asking questions?" Ally asked me nervously.

Ally's P.O.V
"I will deal with my parents, I will tell them before tonight." Dan said to me as I sat on the bed. He came and sat next to me. He kissed me on the lips. "Everything will be fine, alright? Trust me, Ally." I smiled at him. I kissed him, he kissed me back and we continued kissing. We started making out. I was lying down and Dan was hovering over me. We pulled away from each other for a minute to get some air. I smiled at him. "I love you Dan." I said to him. "I love you too Ally." He replied.

We continued to make out. Things got a bit out of hand... because Dan ended up with out a shirt on, and I had no shirt on, but I was wearing a tank top under my shirt. Suddenly the door busted open. Dan and I instantly stoped what we where doing. "What the hell are you to doing?!" His Mom yelled at us.

It all started with him (a Dan Howell fanfic) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ