Chapter 14 Things Happened

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**slight smut warning for this chapter**
Ally's P.O.V
     "Uh, Nothing."  Dan said to his mom.  "That did not look like nothing Daniel."  His Mom said.  No one ever calls him Daniel, only when he is in trouble.  "Ally, did Dan force you to do anything?"  His Mom asked me.  "What!? What makes you think that!?" I said to his mom. 

     "Well, I saw you guys making out.  Dan is like, what 6 years older then you??  One of you tell me what is going on. And Dan! Put your shirt back on!"  His Mom said.  Dan quickly grabbed his shirt and put it on.  He passed me my shirt and I put mine back on.  "Ok, mum, I will explain."  Dan said. 

     Dan grabbed my hand, and intertwined our fingers.  "Me and Ally are dating.  We have been since her 20th birthday."  Dan said.  "And, I love her, so much." He added on.  I started to smile.  "And, I love your son, so much.  You have no clue how much we both love and care for each other." I added to Dan's comment. 

     With Dan's Mom, it's sometimes hard to tell, if she's mad or happy.  This is one of those times.  His mom started to smile a bit.  She stepped in the room a bit more, then shut the door.  "I can see that you guys don't get that much alone time.  I'm not mad, but Dan, I wish you would have told me."  She said. 

Dan's P.O.V
     "So, what are you saying?" I asked my mum.  "What I'm saying is, I'm fine with you guys dating, and sharing a room.  Now, Dan, me and your dad and Adrian, are going a few towns over, and probably staying over night.  We've had this planed for almost 2 years.  No one wants to cancel, so we will be gone tonight, you guys don't have to come with us, I'm sure you guys will want some alone time."  My mum said.  I was slightly shocked.  "Ally, what do you want to do?" I asked her.  "I honestly don't care, it's up to you."  She said.  "I guess we will stay here then." I told my mum. 

     "Now, we are leaving in about 10 minutes.  So if you guys want to come out to the lounge."  My mum said.  We all got up and walked out to the lounge.  "Do you want to tell your dad?" My mum asked me.  "Hey, uh, Dad... I have something to tell you."  I paused for a minute.  "Me and Ally, are dating.  We have been for a while now." I said.  My dad just stood up, and gave me and Ally a hug. 

     "I was wondering when you where going to tell me!"  My Dad said.  I smiled.  "Thank you?" I said to my dad.  They all left, and me and Ally had the whole house to our selves.  We sat on the sofa, and ate some dinner, it was about 9:30. 

      "Wanna go to our room, and watch some movies or something?" I asked Ally.  "Yea, sure, but I'm changing into my pjs just so you know."  Ally said to me.  "Hey, I will be too."  I said to her.  We where cuddling in my bed while watching movies.  About 1 hour later Ally shut off the television. 

     "Wanna go to bed?" She asked me.  "Sure."  We laid down.  She kissed me on the lips.  "Goodnight." She said.  "Goodnight." I replied.  I gave her a kiss, and she kissed me back.  We started to make out again. 

Ally's P.O.V
     My heart was racing.  Things got pretty heated.  We both didn't have much clothing left on us.  We both stopped to get some air.  "Are you sure that you want to do this?" Dan asked me.  "Do you have a". Dan cut me off by saying "Yea. I do."  We both smiled and kissed again.  "Just Dan, be gentle, alright?" I asked, he nodded, and we started kissing again.
-time skip to next morning-

Ally's P.O.V still
     I woke up the next morning, cuddled right next to Dan.  I then remember all the things that happened.  I then realized that we both where not wearing clothes.  Dan woke up.  He looked at me and smiled.  "Last night was fun."  He said.  I smiled at him.  "Yea, it was." I said.  "What time is it?"  He asked.  I looked at my watch.  "Like 10:30." I said.  We both stayed lying there for for a while.  "I'm hungry.  Can we get breakfast?" I asked Dan.  He nodded.  We both got up and dressed for the day.  We walked into the kitchen, and no one was home. 

Dan's P.O.V
     "I really thought that they would be back by now." I said to Ally.  "Yea, I did too.. thats odd." She said as she started to make a sandwich.  I walked up behind her, and gave her a hug and put my head on top of her head.  She giggled a bit.  "What?" I asked her. 

     "I just love you so much, I don't even know how to express it."  She said.  I let go of her, and turned her around so that she was facing me.  "You never have to prove how much you love me.  I know that you love me, and you know that I love you."  I said.  She smiled.  "And, if you still don't believe me, what we did last night, that proves everything."  I said to her.  She smiled at me again, and I smiled back.  I kissed her passionately, and she kissed me back. 

     Then the door opened.  "Dan! Ally! Oh, you guys are just right here." My mum said.  We quickly pulled away from each other.  "Guys, you don't have to hide that you are dating when we are around, you guys can kiss and stuff. We won't care." My mum said. We both smiled. 

—time skip to 4 days later—Ally's P.O.V

     Dan and I woke up.  "Ready to go home today!" Dan asked me.  I smiled and kissed him.  "Yes, I am." I replied to him.  We got up, and got dressed had breakfast and said goodbye to everyone.  They all drove us to the airport.  We all have hugs to everyone.  "Say hello to Phil for us!" His Mom said as we start to walk away.  "Will do!" Dan said to them.  We grabbed each other's hands, and we walked to check in for our flight.  We got on the plane, and where on our way home.

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