Chapter 9 close call

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Dan's P.O.V
Me, Ally, Phil and Emily where all talking. Time went by fast, before we knew it, it was midnight. "Oh shoot!" Emily said. "Hey, if it's ok with you guys, would Emily be able to stay the night? She could sleep with me in my room, my bed can fit two people on it." Ally suggested. "I'm fine with that." I said. "Yea, I am too." Phil said.

Ally's P.O.V
"We should all, get to bed, Emily, you can wear a pair of my pyjamas." I said to her. "Dan, do you want to get them for me? They are on a top shelf." I asked him. "Ok." He said. I showed him wear they are.

He got them down and handed them to me. "Thank you." I said with a smile. Dan smiled back at me. The door was mostly shut, Dan shut the door just enough so it would not latch, Emily and Phil are still in the living room. I gave Dan a hug and he hugged me back. "Goodnight." I said. "Goodnight, I will see you tomorrow morning." He said with a smile. He leaned down to kiss me, I kissed him back.

"Have I mentioned how much I hate you being taller then me?" I said. "Yes, multiple times." He said. "But, it's adorable." He said. I smiled at him. "Just like you." I said. Dan opened the door. He opened his bedroom door, and said "Goodnight Ally." "Goodnight Dan." I replied.  He shut his door. 

     I walked into the living room.  Emily and Phil where talking.  "Alright you two lovebirds, it's bedtime." I said with a smile. "Oh shut up." Phil said with a smile as well. Emily stood up and hugged me. "Don't tell my best friend to shut up." Emily said in fake defensive voice. I smiled. "Ok,ok let's get you to bed, you need sleep woman." I said and started to drag her to my room. "Night Phil." I said. "Night Ally, Night Emily." He said. Emily said night to him, and I shut my door. 

     Me and Emily got changed.  Laid down and I fell asleep. 

—next morning—

     I woke up and then I remembered that Emily stayed the night.  But, where was she? I got up and quickly brushed my hair. Still in my pjs walked out of my room, and started to walk around the apartment. I looked in the kitchen, and I saw Emily. "Emily." I said.

She turned around and faced me. "Yea?" She asked. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Making breakfast, want any?" She asked. "Sure, should I wake up Dan and Phil?" I asked her. "Uh, Yea, see if they want any." I nodded and walked to Phil's room. I knocked on the door. "Phil?" I asked. I slowly opened the door. He was slowly waking up.

"Yea?" He asked tiredly. "Emily is making breakfast, do you want any?" I asked. "Sure, what time is it?" He asked. "It's like 9." I said. "Ok, tell her I'm getting up." He said. "Ok." I replied, and walked out the door and went to Dan's room.

I knocked on the door. Then slowly opened it. "Dan?" I asked. I looked into the room, and surprisingly, he was up. "Oh, hey! What's up?" He asked. I walked in and shut the door behind me, I didn't mean to make it latch, but it was quite loud.

"Is it suppose to be that loud?" I asked. Dan nodded, "Yea, I have to get that fixed sometime." He said. Dan got up off his bed, and walked over to me and gave me a hug. I hugged him back. "This is the only place that we can technically be together." He kissed the top of my head. "Yea, I know, and it sucks... but, Phil would freak." He said. We let go of the hug.

"Yea, I wish he wouldn't, be he's just being a overprotective brother. He can't help it." I said. "But, Dan, I did come here to tell you something. Emily is making breakfast, would you want any?" I said to him. "Yea, I could eat." He said. "Well, I'm going to go get dressed, you should to, you don't want Emily to see you in your pjs." I said with a smile, then walked to my room and got dressed, into black skinny jeans, and a baggy grey and black Roots sweater.

I walked back out of my room.  Emily was putting food on to plates.  "Dan and Phil are going to have stuff." I said to her.  "Ok." She replied.  "Want some help?" I asked.  "If you want." She said. I got the food onto the plates. Then I heard Dan "Hey! Ally? Do you want to come here for a minute?"

"On my way!" I called to him. "Be right back." I said to Emily. I walked into Dan's room. "You called?" I asked. I smiled at him. "Dan? What's wrong?" I asked. Suddenly, he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him, and he kissed me passionately, I kissed him back.

After a minute or so, we pulled away from each other. I smiled at him, he smiled back. "What was that for?" I asked. "I just want you to know, that I love and care for you more then you know." He said.  I smiled at him.  "I love you too, Dan." 

     "What?!" I heard someone say.  I turned around, and I saw Phil.  I just looked at him.  "Ally, did you just say, 'I love you too, Dan?'" He asked.  S*it!  He can't know! Not like this!  "No, I said, I like you too, Dan." I said.  Phil just looked at me.  "As in, I like recording videos with him."  I added.  "Alright.." Phil said and walked away. 

     I turned back around to face Dan.  "That, was a close call." I said to him.  He nodded.  "I agree."  "Let's go eat breakfast." I said to him. 

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