Chapter 21: Unsaved he shall be.

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As Harry calmed down we sat there on the grassy hill overlooking the grounds just as the sunrise started to peek at us across the Black Lake. Harry and I had talked, over and over again until we fell in a comfortable silence taking in our surroundings. Getting up and deciding what our next course of action is; we walked into Hogwarts grounds to the Great Hall for Dumbledores Funeral. Harry went up to the Gryffindor dormintries to gather himself together, whilst I walked into the Great Hall, taking in the wonder of it all for the first time in a very long time. Letting my fingers glide across the house tables with their banners and crests painted a solem black. Gripping my eyes shut as flashes of images blazed through my mind, I'd been here before in another time, but them same solemness still. Hearing the door crack open I saw  Professor McGonnagyl; "Proffessor, I was just going to pay my respects and be going.-" "No, Griffins, i'd like to thank you for what you did, you defended our school, our home, the students, Dobby and Fauna told me everything, they got to me just in time with the message; and I thank you for know he was right about you...Dumbledore I mean; the moment you stepped through those doors he knew you were going to do great things." McGonnagyl grew quiet before continuing; "I want to thank for what you did for Harry, he may not see things so clearly yet but I know that you'll protect him no matter what, you're more than welcome to stay for the funeral..the other Order members will be here along with the Weasleys." "Okay Professor, i'd like that very much." Tapping my knee McGonnagyl smiled warmly at me before getting up, "come, its time." Taking her arm we followed students out onto the grounds of Hogwarts towards the eastern side of the black lake where on the island Dumbledore will be laid to rest. 

Tears pricking my eyes at the sight of mourners; and more so at the sight of George who i ran too and clung to him in a crushing hug as the tears spilt more fiercly than ever. "ssshh, sshh, i got you darlin', i got you. its ok, i'm glad you're alright, that you're safe." George cooed in my ear, stroking my hair in a motherly fashion before guiding me to the back of the congregation of mourners. There wasn't a single dry eye throughout the funeral, i admit i grew tired of crying i was never good at funerals, struggling to keep my nerve when everyone around wouldn't but today i was coping partly because I had Georges hand wrapped tightly round my right hand whilst my other was held by Fred. The ceremony was kept short and sweet and yet I like the other Order members were alert for any intrusion. Walking back towards the castle I looked over across the Black Lake seeing the tree with which Cedric's memorium was; even from this far I could see the whites of snowdrops swaying in the shallow wind.  Turning my head back towards the castle I see Remus and Tonks nodding at me before leaving. Noticing the golden trio walking up ahead towards the eastern tower overlooking the lake I caught up with them before going to find George heading home. 

"Harry, Ron, Hermione.. I know Dumbledore was close and important to you three in particular..and I know he left you three a job to do and i'm not going to stop you..but i will say this to you; things are going to get dark, very dark indeed and people are starting to run blind into the darkness, all i ask is that you dont forget who your friends and family are." Leaving them with that to stew over I made my way over to George who was waving goodbye to his parents. Giving me a hug i felt my feet lift off the ground as we disapparated back by the stairs in my home.

 "Are you alright love?" George whispered into my hair as I held him for dear life afraid i'd crumble if I let go. Looking up at him, his eyes shone with warmth, love and hope something I needed in this life, something that I had missed for so long. Wrapping my arms around his neck i pulled George down slightly to my lips and kissed him, pouring everything I had into it, letting the flames consume me as I let myself go. My back hit the wall as my legs were yanked up and pulled firmly against George's waist. Doing so I felt myself being carried through the door to my room and placed onto the bed; as George's hands were ferocious with me, clinging and grabbing me holding me close, smothering me with kisses till i couldn't breathe. I felt blood trickle down my throat as I pulled away; Georges lips were red with blood, touching my own i felt the cut on my lips open and fresh, pulsating ruby droplets onto my fingers. "i'm sorry love, i guess we got carried away. Here let me." 

George took a tissue from the box beside the dresser and dabbed my lip. The blood blotched and seeped through in polka dots on the tissue whilst I took in my newly owned war wounds. "Remus and Tonks told me what happened. Told me what you had done..what Fenrir Greyback had done before you dissappeared...did he hurt you..badly?" I looked up at George, knowing that i was going to regret what I was going to say next. "He did as any deatheater would, he gave me a few scratches and curses but nothing you need to worry about..." "Remus said that when you arrived, Fenrir looked as if he had you targetted for him to destroy and only him. He said that being a werewolf could trigger some unatural sadist stuff to someone who you want to track down and kill in a sought of sick pleasure." "George, trust me i'm fine, i'm still here aren't i? Besides i think Fenrir have always liked fiesty blondes and I just happened to be the only blonde there..he's a deatheater all they do is kill, destroy, obliterate. When the war comes, he'll get whats coming to him." George looked at me, his big brown eyes trembled with worry and concern about my new "admirer"; but i squashed that thought with a kiss on his nose. "Georgie, i know you worry when i'm not around, but during the war you'll need to trust me that i'll come back and i'll be there at the end of it all beside you, everyone will be, me, fred, your family, our friends everyone and everything will be ok. okay?" George sighed looking down taking my hand, "okay." 

Standing up, startiing to take off my clothes and change into my comfy clothes, George looked at me with wonder like a cloud of misty starlight had passed through his eyes as they glazed over, i snapped him back to reality, "what? why are you looking at me like that?" Getting up and walking over to me, hugging me from behind George answered me, "Have i ever told you that your beautiful even with all your battle scars?" Grinning to myself before answering, "yes George you tell me everyday" "and I will do everyday that i'm with you." Feeling him behind me I felt like what he had said was an act of love and commitment and i was and forever will be grateful to have George be apart of my life...but things were going to change soon and i didnt want to end this happy intimate moment but I'd have too in the end. 

Turning around to hug George , wrapping my arms around his waist resting my head just below his neck as the words trembled from my lips, "Everythings going to change now isn't it?" George was silent before answering, "Yes, yes it is, but I will always find you." 



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