Chapter 20: The world isn't safe anymore.....

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Hearing Kingsly's patronus annouce itself had me back on edge again, back at the frontline of this war that was uprising fast and this time I was ready for it. Jumping to my feet I sent word with to Hubert and Winky to pass on the message to as many Order members as they could before returning straight back here. Opening the Basement door with my wand Binks shot down the stairs gaurding over the fireplace for people arriving via floo-network. In all this commotion, Susie and Darren had been sat down taking in my magical abilities with wonder and awe. Looking at the dishes on the tables i set them to work to be washed. Turning to Fauna I kneeled down to her level and asked that she go directly to Hogwarts to Proffessor McGonnagal to keep students in their dormitries and that the Order will be arriving shortly; with a separte message on the galleion coin to pass to get the DA together to be ready to fight when I need to but to wait for my word. Fauna nodded hurridly gripping the coin in her petticoat as she disapparated from the kitchen.

Turning back towards the kitchen of people i looked towards Susie and Darren as they took in the teacups, kettles, saucers that had placed themselves onto the table as it extended to acoomodate the numbers of people whom were coming. George put his hands on my waist studying my face as i browed it in fury and speculation at what Kingsly could of meant and of what was to come. A knock on the door had me pulling away from George and walking down towards the front door. Gripping my wand infront of me i breathed out a question, "whose there?" "Its me, Remus, along with Tonks, Mad-eye and Kingsly." "If you're truely Remus J Lupin, tell me what was the first thing You heard me say?" "You remembered what Dumbledore told you, Harry is the best hope we have, trust in him." Breathing a sigh of relief I swung the door open and their they all stood huddled round against the darkening evening. Stepping aside to let them through, Tonks came upto me and squeezed the life outta me in a cuddle patting her back at first I squeezed back just as hard as she whispered, "oh you're safe...i knew you'd come back Jess i knew it." "yes, yes she's simply lets get to it, Nymphadora." Mad-eye barked. Mine and Tonks head whipped round at him and sparked, "Don't call me/her Nymphadora." Tonks hair turned deep red whilst my hand sparked ice towards Mad-eyes throat whom of which quickly hobbled down the hallway towards the kitchen. I followed afterwards shutting the door whilst Tonks waited for me by the kitchen doorway with George.

Stopping by the stairs I heard scuffs and scraps; murmurs and shouts from the basement and folds in the air on the landings above and the kitchen table. Looking up towards the landing above me, "Human revelio" i whispered with my wand as Winky and Hubert came running down the stairs staright towards the basement to help Mr & Mrs Weasleys up the stairs. George came to stand behind me whilst i waited for the weasley to come up stairs, but I just shuffled in seeing everyone seated and Fauna beside Susie and Darren introducing them to the other Order members that had situated themselves around the table that grew. Mr and Mrs Weasley started shouting their worries at George a few steps away outside along with Winky and Hubert desperate to get them to stop. Huffing I stepped into the doorway, "Mr and Mrs Weasley I appreciate you have family ends to deal with but now is not the time. Also it is lovely to see you again but please stop bashing George nothing's his fault it's all mine." Mr and Mrs Weasley turned their heads to me as smiles broke out on their faces as they hugged me clicking a few bones I take it but nothing but love from them. Once we finished I asked that they be escorted into the kitchen by Winky and Hubert to be seated and that I'll be in a few moments. Shutting the door to the kitchen, I focused on George, he seemed dazed and yet content with everything that had happened within the past 24 hours. Touching his cheek I asked, " are you alright Georgie? Your parents were giving it to you abit out of hand? Look I want to apologise for everything..I know saying sorry won't make up for what I've done and put you through but-" George cut me off by smashing his lips to mine as his hands gripped my waist and mine snaked in his hair. Leaning down to whisper in my ear, "I've been wanting to do that since this morning, but honestly it's alright love, we've all got our parts to play in this and yours just happens to be a bigger part..but no matter what happens I'll always find you okay?" Nodding "'s save our asses time again." George chuckled at my always belated timing attempt humour as we walked into the kitchen and took our seats.

A Harry Potter Spin-Off - The Dark daysKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat