Chapter 28: Ambushed

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The familiar tug of war when apparating always left my head a little whoozy as my feet landed outside number 4 privet drive; seeing the traces of orange hair and uncanny timing of humor I coughed to annouce my presence as the twins whipped thier heads round to see me. "Hello Boys," Smirking at George as he racked his brain for my exsistance. "Jessica?" my eyes went to Harry as he sprinted into me along with Ron and Hermione, Omph! "Nice to see you aswell." hugging them back just as hard. Letting go and shuffling inside towards the front room. I stood next to Fred and George whilst Mad-Eye barked orders and instructions for tonights flight. "So how comes Jessicas here then?" Harry pipped. Stepping forward about to speak when Remus stated, "Shes here as your protector Harry, if things dont go to plan shes to take you to safety and to tail us all; shes the fastest we've got-please obey her " Harrys eyes pierced mine and in that moment that passed us he nodded solemnly as did I; feeling Goerge squeeze my hand i understood as they stepped forward taking polyjuice potion, eerily dropping and changing into Harrys or versions of Harrys. "Wow, were identical." Fred and George said giggling incontent at their humor. "Always the tone of surprise you two." Earning a smirk from them both. "Right lets move out!" Mad-eye barked.

Stepping into the crisp night air, we paired off, taking a broom standing behind Harry and HagridI nodded trying to calm my erractic heartbeat and the slightness of nausea that overcame me. "On the count of 3 we make for the burrow....1...2..3!!" Off we went into the night sky.

Kicking off the ground I gripped the broom weaving in and out of the clouds keeping a trained eye on the real Harry and the others aswell. It was surprisingly chilly for a warm august night as were the clouds exceptionally grey too. ZAP!!! A flash of green streaked ahead of me narrowly missing Harry and Hagrid ...zooming as fast as i could i deflected oncoming spells sending a few back towards the mass of deatheaters above us. "Hagrid go!!!!" Seeing the roar of the blue engine blast towards the M5 below us i swivelled back trying to ward off as many deatheaters as i could. "CRUCIO!!" "REDUCTO!!" "IMPERIO!" "AVADA KADAVRA!!" Chorus of spells, bolts of red, blue and green clashed between the deatheaters and the Order. Catching my breath as one deatheater advanced on Tonks and Ron, "oh, no you dont." shooting vines from my wand they constricted and gripped him before flinging him away like a flyswat. Shaking violently as my broom caught the end of a jinx spell, I shot upwards into the heavens with a few on my tail.

Crap, Crap, CRap my mind chanted as the icy air nipped and bit at my face, making my eyes water and my body convulse. "Emperio morte dena..." blazing my wand towards the darkness advancing on me. A crisp clear electric white light stunned them into shock before they crumpled and fell towards the earth turning to ash. Flying back down towards the opening of clouds the bolts of magic was quieter. Shooting off towards the faint glow of red and green I took down as many black capes as I could get my wand too, probably earning a price on my head. There was only a few well, 1, 2 order members left, joining the fray as they flew off towards the safety of the burrow i circled the grounds we had covered praying no-one had passed away tonight. Gripping my broken boomstick I flew as fast as i dared to the weasleys. Settling my sights on Ron, Harry and Hermione hugging and smiling, they'd made it, feeling my body give way I fell skidding through the field landing on my feet before standing up brushing myself off-owie stupid broom. "Is everyone back?" Looking at the golden trio before Fred stepped out into the doorway looking grim; "where is he fred? oh, no." I bolted inside and went straight to the sofa in which laid George with a cursed ear. Swallowing I knelt down taking Georges hand in mine I whispered, "George, its me..Jessica, can you hear me? Please you need to live, I need you to live.." "Jess-ic-a?" Gripping his hand as Mrs. Weasley washed his ear, George winced as I felt Fred sit next to me taking my other hand before girpping my shoulder comforting me.

Everyone had survived, well almost everyone, Mad-eye didnt Madognus Fletcher took one look at Voldemort and apparated.Bill said the coward I commented. Everyone was solemn, everyone was sad, everyone was empty.

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