Chapter 12: We got these days of summer too...

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I hadn't spoken to George properly since that morning we were civil to each other and god only knows when the electrics stop sparking between us whenever we're in the same room together. I could always feel a pair of eyes on me constantly and I knew they were his, I know he was meant to say something else other than what he said but getting to know what that was would have to wait I had bigger things to worry about than that dilemma. We had a few more days til we left for Hogwarts and Sirius was not looking forward to the day when we did leave. I admit I has grown to love his home and him himself he was like the uncle I'd always wished for but never got, we got along great had fighting spirit often then not I'd ask his advice when Harry wasn't around on order matters or Dumbledores plan and he'd give it to me straight, to have faith in it and I did. Dumbledore didn't visit us at all since Harry got back from his hearing for underage wizardry, it's all bull if you ask me I mean what else is a wizard supposed to do when being attacked by dementors, just lay back and pretend they get full? Sheesh. This year was supposed to be my last year but I wanted to actually finish my education and have something normal for a change rather then stopping and starting. I also took up doing yoga again in the garden before Dumbledore has me doing all sorts of combat during our meetings. It got easier even got Sirius doing it every morning to help his aching back.

Today was the day we left for Hogwarts as usual super busy morning rush to the station then quick goodbyes and off we went. I said goodbye whilst walking with Harry before he stopped staring at something infront of him. I bumped into him whilst dragging my trunk along. "Harry? Harry what's wrong? What did you see?" He looked round a shocked look on his face etched into it, I grabbed his arm and yanked him onto the train and into a compartment. Dragging our trunks in the seats beneath our feet I told him to spill everything he'd seen or had dreamt or visioned. Ron and Hermione had found us and sat down without interrupting our conversation. Once Harry had finished, I looked at Hermione we exchanged a knowing look, I spoke first, "Harry you do know that these visions or predicaments can be planted into your head by Voldemort as a way to keep you off his what animals do to predators, they go one way when their really going another. He may just be getting you to see what he wants you to see and believe it to be real." Harry shook his head, Hermione tried, "Jessica's right Harry, this may not all be true, there's a simple charm legimancy, where you can block it and stop him from getting through to you." I agreed with Hermione that's the logical route, I had another idea though, "Harry say if what Voldemort is showing you to be true, what if it is all just happening inside your head but then why can't it not all be real? What if he's trying to scare you into planting images of what he wants you to see and feel to make you weak and vulnerable? To doubt yourself so he in turn doesn't have to do the dirty work til the last minute?" Everyone pondered that for a moment whilst I caught sight of Angelina holding George's hand and giggling like a little school girl. I caught George's eyes and looked away upset and hurt and stupid at how I bought his pretty little forgive me speech to then see him cavort with Angelina? He'd hit below the belt this time way below the belt this time.

I excused myself not understanding why I had gotten so upset for and why it hurt me to see George with someone else. I went to find Katie, Flora, Henry and Fred all in a cabin at the end, before stepping inside I plastered a mask ontop of my face and walked in quickly beginning to talk and dive in to conversations with them. I hadn't seen George since the carriages where I had sat next to Emma who I had gotten close too last year and we began talking whilst the others got into one with him and Angelina. The feast was the same, Flora had saved me a seat between her and Ginny and I took it only to be harassed at the sound of George and Angelina's laughter all throughout dinner I acted like I didn't care and carried on. I've acted like I didn't care for the past few weeks now and have been displeased by our new defence against the dark arts teacher Dolores Jane Umbridge...yup more like umbitch. She had taken a personal dislike to me and Harry mainly as we were closest to Dumbledore; speaking of which Dumbledore had so forth cancelled our lessons thinking I was ready and that he had other business to attend too no sooner had that happened than Ms Umbridge had taken over as Headmaster. Shit hit the fan pretty quickly.

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