Chapter 2- Train ride

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As per usual Sevgi had scampered off with her owl and bag to find her friends, leaving me with her trunk. Great. Just great. I went in search of a compartment consisting of my friends also. I let Binks out of my bag telling him to find the compartment with Henry, Katie and Flora inside. Binks went trotting along the corridor his little black tail up in the air, sometimes I think he's more like a dog then cat, funny how that works out. I decided to go looking for Sevgi to give her, her trunk, didn't take long it was the only compartment that listened to loud muggle music like Jessie J and such, she was sitting with Luna, Ginny and Flora's sister Alice. Sevgi took her trunk and then continued listening to music before giving me a hug, thanks and see you when you get off the train. I didn't think much of it, she missed her friends a lot over the summer, we did have Alice over and Luna but apart from that it was just us two, it was good to see her enjoying herself and looking forward to another year of learning and fun.

I made my way back out the compartment door when I bumped into someone.

"Your cat?" I looked round and saw Henry holding Binks up to me. " thanks i told him to look for you and the others in a compartment found you alright then?" I took Binks and put him back in my bag. "Yeah we're down the way, Katie and Flora are there putting their stuff away, I came to find you when I saw Binks walk by the door. Need a hand?" Henry said eyeing my trunk. "Thanks" I followed Henry to the compartment and sat down. Katie and Flora were already talking about their summers to each other before noticing me and jumping me in a hug and squeals of delight.

"Whoa!! Calm down I've been on the train for 20 mins and have been attacked by weirdos already" jokingly saying to both Katie and Flora.

"Yh but you love us weirdos?" Flora admitted I nodded saying "sure, wouldn't be fun without the craziness.?" All four of us fell into conversation about our summers and what we did, had done and were going to do before being interrupted by Fred & George who decided to crash into our convo also.

Binks had fallen asleep on my lap as I read the letters Dumbledore had wrote me, they were about housing some extra students whose parents had either passed away or were on the run and had no where to stay. George noticed my quietness and probably my face in confusion and shock. "What's wrong Jess?" I didn't answer i was still trying to take it in. Dumbledore had given me a huge responsibility on taking on other kids? I was still a kid myself and my house isn't exactly what you call spacious? Infect its tall and narrow and empty. I cleared my conscious and answered calmly, "Dumbledore wants me to take on a few extra responsibilities." I left it at that I didn't want to blab round what I didn't fully understand, my friends will find out soon enough, I just hope there's not a lot of kids to look after.

"I'm going to find Harry I need to talk to him. If you guys will excuse me." I hurry out the door and walk down the hall to find Harry Potter. As I walk I notice Binks has followed me out with my wand in his mouth, chucking as I take it, "whose a clever cat?" , Binks answers with his head rubbing against my hand and purring.

"Well, well, well, wouldn't it be the mudblood? And if I'm not mistaken, the one who seems to have found her place on the ground in the dirt where she belongs? Where's your parents huh Griffin?!?!" I get up and turn round to see Draco Malfoy and his Slytherin posse all sneering and chuckling at his snide remark thinking he's the dogs bollocks. Binks growls and hitches up at him, stating his presence and becoming my shield waiting to attack. I pull out my wand and raise to his face between the eyes when another wand comes up to the side of me, and another, another and another. I hear an old friend," listen Malfoy, she is by far a better blood than you'll ever be. Now I'd swallow what you've just said and walk away before I do something I'll regret or before I allow her to blow your face into oblivion." It was Cedric, my old friend, standing behind him was Harry, Hermione, Ron and Neville, all wands raised and determined faces. I look back at Malfoy and his posse which have quickly diminished and threaten, " Go along Malfoy and Run before I do blast your face off and let Binks here make the first scratch." Malfoy looked as if he'd shit himself and was panicking for a comeback to be the better man, but just turned and stalked off.

I lowered my wand and turned round to everyone, I thanked everyone and gave Harry the note Dumbledore gave me asking if he knew anything bout it? He shook his head saying" no I don't Dumbledore didn't write to me, I stayed at the Weasley's along with Hermione the few weeks of summer".I didn't push the matter and began walking away when I noticed Cedric was still there, he looked like he was trying to figure out something? I sighed, "I don't want to talk bout it out here in the open?" He nodded and we walked back to his compartment, drew the blind, locked the door and talked for the rest of the journey. I explained to him what Dumbledore had written about and showed him the letters, he gave me his theories discussing what it could mean or possibly mean etc? Once we tired of that he asked what further subjects I had taken and vice versa. I hadn't thought about it much but I had missed hanging out with Cedric and talking like this, it seems years have gone by instead of a whole summer but Cedric was someone I could confide in as well as the rest of my friends, I felt like I could spill the beans on anything to Cedric and be given a straight answer after all the theorems afterwards. It was weird because many people had just assumed we were going out because we hung out a lot whilst both at Hogwarts and sometimes during the summer, but it's wasn't that,it was just the fact that we were great friends. I knew that no matter what I was always welcomed by Cedric and his family much like the Weasley's as well.

By the time the train had pulled into the platform I had only realised I had fallen asleep in my uniform on Cedric's shoulder with Binks curled up on my lap purring softly. I quickly got up to find that George had seen me and turned away almost hurt. I was confused at his action and just thought what I was asleep it's not a crime right? I had gotten my bag and put Binks back inside to sleep again before heading out onto the platform. Cedric had taken the liberty of getting my trunk off the train and putting it in the carriage along with his mates. He came over to me, gave a hug and directed me to the carriage. I caught a glimpse of Sevgi getting into her carriage with Luna and Ginny and a few other Ravenclaws and Gryffindors. I tried to catch George's attention but he just ignored me getting into the carriage with Flora and Katie, taking note of his pissed off mood they looked at me and saw Cedric, the eyebrows were raised and they waved before their carriage lunged off towards the castle. I sat next to Cedric in between him and Emma another Hufflepuff girl in my year and just let the swaying of the carriage and Cedric's arm round my back comfort me as we headed up to the castle towards the feast.

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