Chapter 8 & 9- Yule Ball & Final Task

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Yule ball? Ha what's the point it's only to let the rest of the school know who the champions are again and their triumphs also but then again the teachers will be dancing and dressing up, erh I don't like dressing up for occasions let alone this? It's just dreading the endless hours of being bag carrier and swearing my duty to protecting the said bags with my life and then the dating or having to have a date? I mean, Fred's going with Katie, Angelina's going with some Durmstrang bloke, Floras going with Henry, aw! Sevgi's going with a group of friends,Ginny's going with Neville, Luna's going by herself or with Lee Jordan I don't know either one, Hermione won't tell us whose asked her? George won't tell us who he's going with. Cedric's going with Cho...eek feel sorry for the bloke but then I did at least warn him in the way only a best friend could and would, which was about to ask him for help when I spotted cho behind him so I hugged him kissed him on the cheek warned him then left him for a girls hormones mercy.

Now all that leaves is me, Harry and Ron to find dates, now I would if absolutely had to and they both have asked me but I said it wouldn't be fair on the other and it's gross cos your both practically my brothers so nada. Seems I'm the only Gryffindor 5th Year without a date lucky me. I don't know why I'm even blabbing about it, I'm a strong independent intelligent women who doesn't need a man to go to a ball I'll take myself, yh that's what I'll do I'll be the loner on the dance floor doing the Macarena brilliant.

The past few weeks have been strange to say for the fact that I've helped everyone else get their stuff ready and then been avoiding the fact that the Yule Ball draws nearer and nearer as well as exams so I have been finding and using every excuse to hide in the library whenever I can to avoid talk of the ball. It wasn't until i was so restless one night that I decided to get up and go for a walk to clear my head and to also let Binks on the lose for a bit too since being cooped up in bed isn't all it's cracked up to be. I pulled my jeans on, a discarded jumper and my beaten up army boots, scraped my hair into a pony tail, grabbed my wand and went out with Binks in step with me.

We had ended up walking past the a painting on the 7th floor when I summoned a ball of yarn out of the air for Binks to play with and sat down and watched him. I don't know how long I sat there zoning out of it when someone spoke, "ah, seems I'm not the only who couldn't sleep miss.Griffin?" My head snapped up to see Dumbledore standing on the other side of the painting smiling down at me. I got up quickly nearly losing balance, "I'm sorry professor I know students shouldn't leave their rooms but I couldn't stay I needed to let my mind wonder and Binks was getting restless being cooped up, I'm head back there right away-" "stop, no need to apologise Jessica, I understand seeing the same 4 walls has its ways with people. Do you mind walking with me maybe some company will help ease your mind." Dumbledore instructed.

We fell into comfortable silence for a little way with only Binks jumping ahead of us trying to catch a little ball of light that guided our path. Dumbledore spoke first, "it seems everyone is excited for the ball and the ending of the tournament?" Looking at me sideways taking in my composure before speaking again, " hm nothing to say? Something is troubling you my dear girl, tell me do you have anyone to go to the ball with? Has anyone asked?" I sighed and answered, " professor as much I enjoy the excitement and happiness the other students get from it, I don't care about a dance, I'm brewing over the responsibility you have bequeathed me and I'm still trying to get my head around how I'm going to teach or train rather those kids whom will be in my care and I'm scared I've never been more scared in my life I just I've never practised the advanced magic before." Dumbledore pondered this, " hmm? I presume you kno the theories of the technicalities?" "I erh yes, yes professor." "Well maybe I can help, let's go to my office and we'll see what you do, shall we?" Dumbledore said leading the way to his office down the hall. "C'mon Binks." Kneeling down for him to jump onto my shoulder and perch whilst we walked after Dumbledore.

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