Chapter 10-The Darkness begins

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The train home back to London was okay none really talked about Cedric or the year, I think we were all scared at how much had changed. Once off the train I said goodbye to everyone and had long hugs with all, found Sevgi and went home.

The few weeks back was tough getting into routine was tough but Susie & Darren helped out when it all got too much for me. Dumbledore visited also explaining more to me about what I had to do when the war came and the follow up to it. I knew Sevgi wanted out of the house so I sent her off to Weasley's with a note to Mrs. Weasley telling her sorry it was a little late notice but I needed time by myself to set up some things for Dumbledore and the home wasn't best for Sevgi to stay by herself so if she could stay with Ginny&Hermione for the summer and that I'd come over once everything was set up. I sent the note with Ozzie and Sevgi before they left.

Once the house was quiet and emptied of people I was left alone. I opened the door in the kitchen that lead out into the little garden area for Binks to play around and probably destroy my flower bed once again. Ozzie flew in over my head to perch on the table hooting to announce his arrival; in his beak was a reply from Mrs. Weasley, it read, "Jessica it is absolutely no worry at all, Sevgi has arrived and there is plenty of space for when you arrive also. I understand you've had a rough year and need some time alone, just let me know when you are coming and I will make room in Ginny's room for you as well. Please take care dear, if there is anything you need don't hesitate to ask we are always here for you. All our love Mrs Weasley xx" I smiled at the heartfelt letter Mrs Weasley always knew how to make me feel secure and when I needed space. Ozzie started to nudge my hand wanting me to stroke his head given me some affection or wanting food as usual. Binks had trotted in with a mouse hanging from his teeth. "Erh? Binks I do hope your gonna bury that thing after you've eaten it cos I sure as he'll ain't cleaning it up and don't put it in the basement either I found a little pile of your snacks last time and it led to infestation." Binks just looked at me like a cats gotta eat and hunt sometime? Then trotted off with his tail in the air.

Right no what to do? I put Ozzie in his cage with some snacks, shut and locked up downstairs before going up to sort out the rooms for when kids arrive. I left mine and Sevgi's rooms free on the 1st floor with a bathroom. Then on the next flight up there's 6 rooms all used for storage now or practically empty, I know I can extend these rooms to fit a maximum of 6 kids per room although that may change depending on how many kids are staying here. The plan is same for the 3rd floor also, then with a hatch in the ceiling leading to the attic with hammocks that shall be set up and another bathroom put in as well, overall I should manage to house approximately 80 kids give or take. The storage boxes will have to be sought through and shifted into the basement for now then once this war is over the house can go back to normal hopefully

That was 2 weeks ago. Mrs.Weasley wrote to me every day asking the usual, how I was? how was the summer cleaning going if I needed help etc? And Sevgi wrote to me too, her latest one went, "Dear Jess, I am being good for Mrs Weasley and helping out with chores as it's the least I can do, we had a quidditch match against the twins the girls had won even though Hermione clung to her broomstick for dear life and Mrs Weasley makes a mean fry up, not that's yours not good but my god you do have competition. We saw Dumbledore yesterday, he was speaking to Mr Weasley about some secret business I couldn't hear anything though so that's a waste. Everyone misses you and asks about you, George seems a bit off lately like his minds somewhere else, he asks after you every time Ozzie comes by but you hide the notes too well for him to see. George is getting aggy to say the least;I overheard him talking to Fred about going to check on you. He's been busted twice by both Mrs and Mr Weasley, they practically shouted at him telling him, 'Jessica needs her space grief is a long process to go through and she needs to do it alone, and you mr hero need to give her a chance to let her go through this and come out the other side better for it.' I didn't hear the rest but George did get taken down a notch by Dumbledore also when he had little fit over you, for not being able to see you. It was horrible to see that side of him. I'm trying my best to get George to talk to me but he's stubborn I found out all men are now. Well I hope your ok and I know your not ready yet but I love you sis, more than anything and I hope you can come home and be happy again. Love Sevgi." This gave me some hope that Sevgi was beyond ok and George would hopefully not find a way to visit me I wasn't up for it at all.

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