Chapter 11: the Darkness Begins II

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I admit I didn't feel entirely happy with the fact that I was staying in someone else's house with whom I have never really met but Dumbledore works in mysterious ways huh? I mean, I'm sure their lovely people,person whoever it is but I am gonna miss my home even though it'll be filled with Hogwarts kids I am going to miss it a years long if you count it right. I just hope everything's ready by the time I get back.

I've packed my trunk with all me Hogwarts stuff I'll need such as books, notes, quills, ink, robes, some of the twins candy (always comes in handy), and bag for carrying all that round and now the fun part...packing clothes to wear outside of lessons, jeans, tops, blouses, jumpers, hoodies, shoes, undies, pjs, health bag, couple of balls of yarn for Binks to play with, winter jacket, Cedric's jacket, house scarf and hat, then normal hat and scarf, gloves, and Cedric's throw blanket neatly folded ontop. I threw my rucksack with my train stuff in it on top and slammed it shut. Thank god it all fits cause I am not taking that much now that I think bout it just essentials the rest I'll borrow if need be. For the past 2 days I've been shifting through my room and Sevgi's putting valuable items under lock and key in secret places so if anyone does come snooping round they won't find anything worth taking part from the food stocked fridge but hey ho.

"You ready?" I asked Binks who was louging on my bed like the king of Sheba. Yawn that's all I got, "Ha yh me too...but we can't stay here Dumbledore needs the place to set up and fortify knocks and all sides I'd hate to think of mass mice graveyard you get going on in the basement that I'd have to come back too. No thank you. C'mon let's get going" I stood up and looked round my room saying goodbye to it before stepping out and locking the door. I went into Sevgi's and did the same also making sure she took her school stuff aswell as her normal stuff. She did, she actually remembered this time. Trudging downstairs I locked the front door and threw some salt on the carpets this is to scare off anyone trying to get here magically wise anyhow.

I straighten my leather jacket and comb my fingers through my hair first impressions right? I had decided to dress simple, jeans, a blush coloured blouse, leather jacket and boots. I had my wand in my pocket and phone in the other. I left a note to Susie and Darren next door about what the arrangements were and about Dumbledore incase he hadn't told them already. I grabbed Binks under my arm and dragged my trunk downstairs into the basement where the fireplace was. I placed them into the space beside me, grabbed a handful of floo powder and directed it where I had to go. "12 Grimmauld Place." I felt a tug on my stomach pulling me inside out and stretching again.

'Thump' I landed on the floor with my trunk poking into my back and Binks on my lap looking terrified as usual when travelling by the floo network. I got up and looked round the room it was dark dingy and grubby looking kinda like a hobo lived in it and the smell was stale. I coughed remebering the soot still floating around me I brushed myself off before hearing the thundering of feet running down the stairs towards me I grabbed my wand and Binks hitched up snarling as people came into the room. "Put that away will you Jessica dear it's me, Mrs Weasley." I lowered my wand and saw the familiar warm smile and brown sparkling eyes and apron. She hugged me before I heard her call out, "kids!! She's down here in the living room!!" Before I was tackled in a hug by 5 people I looked round each of them, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Sevgi and Fred. "Erh guys? I've missed you all too but I'm kinda covered in soot." They all stepped back when Mrs.Weasley waved a quick spell over me getting me clean again and Binks too. She told the others to go upstairs and wash up as well as sending my trunk up to share a room with the girls. She then introduced me to Sirius whose house I was staying in and had already messed up upon arrival. I apologised profoundly but he held his hand up and waved the incident aside before giving me a hug welcoming me into his home and apart of the order. Remus followed next then Tonks, I knew we'd get along good she was a young one someone who liked thrills and adventure. Once I'd finished meeting everyone and introductions, we made our way to the kitchen for an Order meeting; Mr and Mrs Weasley give me another hug each before I noticed George making a beeline for me and crushing me in a hug. It was one of those 'thought I'd never see you again hugs' and I hugged back just as hard before he held me at arms length just looking at me making sure I was real no doubt and not a figment of his imagination. George put a hand to my neck and kissed my forehead saying, "i will always find you didn't i?" I smirked, "yh yh". I had only noticed that Mr and Mrs Weasley were in the door watching us with adorned expressions on their faces. "Okay Georgie you're gonna have to let me go now, it's save all our asses time. Talk later?" He nodded squeezed my hand and walked reluctantly upstairs and into one of the rooms. I breathed out ran a hand through my hair and looked at Mrs Weasley who was still standing in the doorway, "what?" I said cautiously. "Nothing, nothing..c'mon the meetings about to start before the others go and get Harry." I walked in with Binks trailing behind.

A Harry Potter Spin-Off - The Dark daysWhere stories live. Discover now