Chapter 22

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A/n: tempers get flared in this update. Hope you all enjoy this! And what's this?! Two updates this week! I'm gonna try to stick with this writing schedule for myself.

"Ni ni!!" Liam whimpered clinging to Louis as the monitors started to blare, and his brother continued to shake.

Louis stood in shock.

He couldn't move, or react. His son was once again seizing! They had stopped for a week... they couldn't be back! He wanted his son to be okay.

"Sir.... sir we need you to move" a nurse repeated herself touching Louis arm, and gently but forcefully moving him to the side.

"Niall" he whispered holding the still whimpering Liam close.


"I... I know baby" Louis soothed rubbing Liam's back as he whimpered for Niall some more.

"Him shaking!!" He whimpered hiding his face in his chest.

"I know... I know it was scary.... papa is scared to" his voice cracked, and tears feel from his face.


Zayn had stopped by the house to grab some items that would hopefully jog niall's memory.

He had read that patients with memory loss was more likely to remember something with video, or picture representation. Sometimes even a smell or certain items.

Medically he knew  it was a stretch, but his paternal instincts were willing to try anything.

This was his son, and he just wanted him back...


"Oh god" Zayn frowned when alarms were heard from down the hall.

"Niall!" Zayn ran down the hall, and his stomach dropped when he spotted Louis, and Liam outside the hospital room.


"Baby? Baby what happened?!" Zayn asked almost hesitant to know as he wrapped his arms around his crying husband.

"He... he started to seize again"  Louis whimpered causing Liam to as well.

Zayn sighed.

While a seizure definitely wasn't a good thing... it wasn't the end of the world.

Seizures were often expected from serious head injuries. Similar to the one Niall was facing now... it was almost expected. It showed that Niall was slowly healing, and unfortunately seizures were just apart of that process. He knew it was very likely, and Louis should know that to.

"Baby... it's" zayn was stopped when Louis put one finger to his lips to shush him.

"Don't." He has angry tears falling down his face.

"Don't you dare tell me that it's going to be okay!" He raised his voice angrily.

"Babe..." zayn frowned.

"NO! I know that seizures are apart of this process, but there not normal!! I am not stupid! I know that NOT EVERYONE WITH A HEAD INJURY HAS SEIZURES!!"

"Lou... please" he sighed.

"NO!! LISTEN TO ME! My son is apart of that 1/5 percent who have a seizure from a head injury! An injury he caused himself! An injury he caused because we were awful parents who let the affects of one over shadow the other. We caused this, and now we have to deal with everything our baby is going to face because he felt like this was his way out" Louis is full on sobbing by the end of her message,  and he collapsed to his knees holding his head in his hands.

"Baby I'm so sorry" zayn whispered the only words that could make their way from his mouth.

"Yeah... and I think it's time we apologize to the one who saw this coming before we did, and explain to him everything that's going on. He deserves that..." he sighed and pulled out his phone.

"H-hello?" Came the answer after a few tings.

"I know we're not exactly the people you want to talk to. Since... since the entire thing I know we've been rude, and I apologize." Louis said sincerely.

"It's fine" came the only reply.

"Harry... son listen it's not okay. You knew Niall was struggling, and you rightfully blamed us when he needed us, and we weren't there. Then... then this happened, and instead of reaching out we shut you out. Your his best friend, and I'm sorry I didn't include you"

"Sir yes you shut me out, and yes it hurt... but what hurts most is knowing that my best friend was sooo angry with HIS OWN parents that he killed himself. So I don't care if your were mean to me. It would of been nice to be included, but I just wish this never would of happened anyways. So don't mind me" he snapped hanging up the phone in complete anger.

It had been three months! Three months!

No calls...

No text...


His own best friend was fighting for his life, and yet his parents weren't even bother to say more than Niall was in the hospital. He had to sneak in himself to learn anything on his progress.


Louis look at his phone, and he threw it on the table angrily. He felt hot tears begin to fall from his face, and soon he was sobbing harshly collapsing to his knees.

"Baby... oh god baby!" Zayn frowned and collapsed next to him holding him tightly.

"Why did this have to happen?! Why couldn't we of just realized how depressed he was! Why did my baby have to feel so much depression, and agony that he was try to take his own life?!" He sobbed screaming into Zayn's chest continuously.

It wasn't fair.

It just wasn't fair.

"Babe... I don't know why, but I have to believe that there is all a reason for this. God gave us our son back, and he will see us through the rest" Zayn told him calmly.

"Don't mind my insensitivity when I say this but I don't understand his plan. How could his plan involve my 16 year old child to try and kill himself! That doesn't sound like a god who has my back" Louis hissed, and shook Zayn off him.

"Babe don't do this. Don't bottle everything up, and just walk away. I know we don't understand his ways, but god answered our prayers. Niall is Alive!"

"Alive, and being healed are two opposite requests" he snapped and walked out of the waiting room.



"Your just going to leave our son when he needs us the most?!" The unintentional anger laced with indenting grief they all felt.

"Needing us takes trust, and knowing us. Last time I checked our son had a seizure because of stress of me... he doesn't need me" Louis said softly before turning away and walking out of the hospital ignoring the shouts behind him.


A/N: well I'm apparently one of those writers that go away for like three months, and then come back with a surprise update! Sorry for the delay life has been a bit crazy with school, and omg guys I am engaged!!! That's another story of its own if anyone's actually interested message me x.
What do you think should happen?
Louis just storms out... what did you think of that ending?
Does Harry have the right to be mad?
Let me know what you all think, and I hope you enjoyed this rather short update. X-c

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