Chapter 21

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A/N: Here is chapter 21! I hope you all enjoy this small update❤️ xx-C

{Dream: Bold: italicized}


{{ "Open open open!!" Three year old Liam as he watched Niall fight with the wrapping paper.

Niall went a little slower, and laughed as Liam let out a frustrated sigh.

"I'm opening it" he grinned and tore into the Christmas  wrapping paper, and into the box.

His eyes widened when he saw the beautiful light brown maestro by Gibson acoustic guitar.

"Oh... my... gosh!!" Niall exclaimed and began to strum along.

"Ni ni you can teach me now!!!" Liam exclaimed as he showed of his light blue cars designed electric guitar

Niall grinned as Liam picked up his own guitar and tried to copy  him. }}


Niall slowly opened his eyes, and looked around noticing the small boy that still cuddled close to his side.

Niall couldn't help but remember his dream, and smile. The boy had a very calming aspect to him. It was what Niall loved the most. The peace.

He smiled as the small boy rolled over, but never once lost his grip on his own.

Was it the same boy?


"Liam" he whispered the foreign name to himself.

"Liam" he repeated softly.

"What did you say baby?" Louis smiled looking up from his computer where he sat typing away at his bedside.


Louis had recently decided to continue working on his album. Despite everything that was still going on in his life. Inspiration managed to find its way to his brain, and three songs were the outcome of such feeling.

"Liam" he repeated louder.

Louis looked at Niall, and then at his youngest sleeping son. He nearly dropped his computer in his haste to stand up.

"Yeah buddy that's Liam!" He's your brother! You remembered!" He cheered and hugged Niall closely.


Niall jerked back, and pushed himself away from the strange man hugging him.

"I don't know you!" He said quickly. Tensing as the man tried again to hug him.

"Niall we've covered this before it's Louis. I'm your papa" he smiled calmly.

"Don't touch me!"

Niall was beginning to get really overwhelmed as the man continued to insist that he knew him.

Who was he, and why couldn't he just listen to him! He didn't know who this man was, and the constant pressure was really getting to much for him.

He whimpered softly as his legs began to twitch as a spasm hit them.

"Are you okay baby?" Louis asked getting even closer.

"Don't touch me! I don't know who you are!" This time he screamed the words. Why wouldn't this man just leave him alone!


"Niall I'm your papa" Louis once again said.

Niall shook his head getting even more worked up.

"I don't know you!!! I don't know you!!" He continued to repeat himself shaking as he stared at the insistent man.

"I don't know you" he whimpered crying out as small spasms ripped through his legs once again.


As if the pain wasn't enough, the man continued to tell him who he was, and what kind of relation he was! Why couldn't this man just realize that he really wasn't helping anything...

"Niall... baby" Louis frowned.

"I don't know you!!" His voice increased in volume this time causing a now awake Liam to whimper in fear.

Liam reached for Louis who quickly complied and moved him from the small hospital bed.

"Liam" came Niall' soft desperate plea.

"Niall it's okay honey" the same strange voice continued to tell him.

"I don't know you!!!!" He screamed even louder as another spasm ripped throughout his body.

"Liam!" He yelled the only name that sounded familiar . He need that same comfort from last night. He longed for the same peace of those small hands that wrapped around his waist.

"Liam" he whimpered as more spasms ripped through his body. However this time the spasm didn't just stop at his leg, but soon his whole body was in the midst of a full blown seizure.


A/N: I found inspiration tonight while reading through some old chapters! I know this chapter is short, but I hope you all still enjoyed it. This is sort of a trial chapter since I have been dealing with some major writers block since starting back to school this semester!

So what are your thoughts on Niall s dream?

Is he beginning to remember things?

Did Louis stress, or push him past his limit?

What are your thoughts on these seizures?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, and opinions on these questions. Thank you for reading, and sticking with me despite my inactive periods I go through. I love you all xx-C ❤️❤️

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