Chapter 14

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A/N: well guys I'm not 💯 % sure if I like this chapter... but the ending is important. So enjoy it! X


Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas this year is my brother. Daddy, and papa says that Niall is never coming home... that he's playing with the angels now. But Santa i want him back! If he can't come back just let me know he's safe... that he's okay. I love him a lot. Last year Niall taught me to how play guitar!! In his favorite guitar... clover! He said it was good luck (but secretly it was green! His favorite color!!) he loved that guitar, and nobody but me and him has ever played it!
I need him to come back... he was the best big brother ever!

Liam smiled at his letter, and quickly put in the envelope and sealed it. He hoped that Santa would bring him exactly what he wanted this year.


"Well is the letter ready for Santa?" Louis smiled.

"Yeah!! All done!" He said brightly handing the letter over to his papa happily.

He knew that if Santa brought him what he wanted this year then they could all be happy again.

That's all he wanted... was for everyone to be happy again.


Liam fell asleep with a smile on his face; knowing how happy every one would be when Niall was home for Christmas.

He couldn't wait to see his brother! To give him a hug, and tell him how wrong he was. Everybody did love him! Even daddy did!


"Wanna open the letter?" Louis whispered showing Zayn Liam's letter to Santa.

Zayn gave a smile, and took the letter from louis' outstretched hand.

"Dear Santa" he began smiling at how messy the little boys hand writing was. Much Like Louis' himself.

"What I want for Christmas this year is my brother...." he trailed off looking up at Louis.

"What.... babe" Louis didn't quite know what to say.

He couldn't bring Niall back. As much as he wished with everything in him... he couldn't.

Zayn didn't answer. He just continues to stare at the letter as he was hit with a bad case of deja vu.


"Daddy I want to see Santa!" Niall exclaimed excitedly pulling on Zayn's jacket to pull him in that direction.

"Bud we need to get back to li..." he sighed knowing they didn't really have time for the stop.

"Please daddy!" He gave him the famous puppy dog eyes, and Zayn found himself following Niall to the dressed up figure.

Santa laughed and did the famous "ho ho ho" before asking what it was that Niall wanted for Christmas.

"I want my baby brother to get better. He has cancer, and he's always sick!" Niall told him.

The man's face fell, and he looked at the young boy's parent who had tears in his eyes.

"Buddy I'm afraid Santa can't take away cancer. I wish I could" he told the boy sympathetically.


"Babe?" Louis asked tapping his shoulder to regain his attention.

"What sorry?" Zayn blinked. The tapping breaking him from his thoughts.

"You okay?" He asked squeezing his shoulder comfortingly.

"Yeah sorry I was just thinking..." he trailed off his eyes locking with Louis.

"About ?" He asked again.

"Our boys..." he said softly tears in his eyes.

"Ya know Niall did the same thing when he was younger... he he asked for sant to take away Liam's cancer. When did things get so out of hand?" He asked in a soft voice.

"Babe. I know this is hard. We're all heart broken, but babe we have. More serious issue right now... Liam wants Niall back for Christmas..." he added

"That was our issue in the first place! We put so much of our attention into Liam... that we neglected Niall. I've assisted with all kinds of doctors. I I knew the risks of depression, and the suicide rates... I ignored everything... everything" his voice broke, and he broke down.

He knew the risk of suicide, and the symptoms of depression... yet he never paid close enough attention to his own son... and now he was dead. He would never get that chance... and now staring at the sloppy written child's Santa letter he realized how much everyone was truly going to miss Niall.

'How would this Christmas season go without him?'

That was the thought on both their minds. Christmas was a few weeks away... but nobody knew the answer to that.

"I know baby I know" Louis had no words... he knew Zayn was right. He held him tightly crying himself.

Christmas was coming, but the joy was gone.

"H-how are we going to tell Liam? Tell him we.. we can't bring" he choked off breaking into tears.

"Bring him back" Zayn finished silently just holding Louis soothingly... it being the only thing he knew to do.


A/N: so that was chapter 14! I hope you all did enjoy it... more than I did. It's not what I imagined for this chapter... but it does play important parts.

What did you think of Zayn's reaction?

How much has Zayn grown from the first chapter till now?

How's Liam going to take the news?

As usual if anyone has any suggestions, ideas, comments I'm up for anything! I love to mess around with ideas!

~~also this idea is thanks to forev3. She helps me soo much with ideas! Keeps my wandering brain on track... so big thanks to her!~~

So guys in closing I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to like, or comment! I love you all, and your all beautiful. Hope everyone did have a happy holidays! 🎄❤ Xx-C 💋

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