Chapter 4

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A/N: well here is the newest chapter! Things are progressing, and Harry is brought back in on this chapter. There are brief mentions of attempted suicide, a lot of medical angst, and some slight disagreement between parents, and if this seems triggering to you don't read it. I'm for you lovelies! Life is too precious. X

Doctor Blake took a deep breath, and managed a smile as he shook both of their hands as he spoke.

"Mr. Malikson?" He asked looking at the two men.


Louis nodded as his heart began to pound. What was going on?! Thoughts began to swirl around inside his mind, and be worriedly looked to Zayn.

"Yes, how can we help you?" Zayn asked speaking for the both of them.

Doctor Blake nodded and let out a small breath.

"Your son Niall Malikson is down in the ER right now" He began...

Louis let out a small whine.

His baby...

"What do you mean he's down in the ER?" Zayn asked clearly a little frusterated with the doctor. He wasn't worried about Niall. What did he do? Break his arm? It was nothing compared to what their baby Liam was going through. A bone was nothing compared to the slow and tortureous disease that Liam was facing... One that was in all likely hood slowly killing him.

But Zayn had no idea just how wrong he was...

"Mr. Malikson, Niall was hit by a car. He is down in surgery at this moment. He's in critical condition" Doctor Blake slightly on edge to how one of his parents reacted to the news.

It was always rough telling parents these things, but it was even worse when one parent reacted normally, and the other seemed too caught up in something else.

He made a mental note to keep an eye on the family. He doubted it was abuse, but the way this family seemed he'd definitely look into it.


Tears begin to stream down louis' face.
His poor son was hit by a car, and was now fighting for his life. Louis knew he may never see his son again, and that killed him inside.

The last things he could remember Niall saying was...

"Bye Dad"

It wasn't I love you... It was Bye.


Zayn knew his husband was very upset by the news.

He was to, but he just didn't know how to show it.


"I-I-is h-he go-going to be o-okay?" Louis sobbed his voice cracked as he stared at the emotionless face of the doctor trying to keep himself from breaking again.

Doctor Blake stared at the man, and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry but we don't expect him to make it through the night. His lung has collapsed, and we're having difficulty inflating it" his expression remained solemn.


Louis soft crys turned into full out sobbing. His son was going to die. This wasn't how it was supposed to be...

It wasn't supposed to be this serious!

What did they ever do to deserve all the turmoil? They were already faced with their baby being diagnosed with cancer when he was a three years old... Been two  years now, and he still fought. Now his sixteen year old was going to die?!

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