Chapter 13

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A/N: hey guys! I know that I haven't updated in like two months I'm sorry guys! School got really hectic especially considering finals were coming up. Now it's all over though, and I can relax (at least until the new semester starts) for now! I was also dealing with some pretty nasty writers block, but it seems like I'm starting to get over it! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Xx-C


"I... I need to get home"


Louis watched as he fled from the room.

"Harry..." his voice trailed off and he looked at Zayn with complete sorrow.

"It's okay honey" he sighed and held him close.

"It's not okay! This isn't okay! Our sons dead! He was only sixteen! We won't ever see him graduate, get into college, or see him get married! He's dead" he broke down. He'd held everything in and just poured it all out.

"I know I know" it was the only words Zayn could say. It wasn't okay... it would never be okay. Niall was gone. He couldn't say anything to take that away.


Harry had tears streaming down his face. He couldn't do this in front of them... he was only Niall's friend... they were his parents. He couldn't compete with their sadness.

"Why?!" He screamed in his car hitting the steering wheel in anger.

"Why?!" He repeated this time lying his head on the wheel continuing to cry loudly.

After a few minutes of complete sobbing ; he made his way into his house.

While Harry wasn't one to show emotion very much, and he didn't seek comfort very much. At this moment he needed someone. Someone to hold him, and tell him even though things at the moment seemed bigger than anyone could ever imagine.. that in time things would be okay. Even though he doubted that. How could they ever be okay again?

Without a second thought he ran straight for his moms room.

"Mommy" his voice cracked as more tears began to make their way down his face.

"Oh baby... Harry... baby what's wrong?" Anne cox frowned at her son, and brought him close. Hugging him tightly.

"Mommy Niall's dead" he broke off in a sob, and Anne felt her own heart breaking. She knew Niall well, and she even knew of his latest troubles... but hearing he was dead. She wasn't prepared for that... no one should loose their son especially not at only sixteen.

As she held her own son close tonight... she couldn't imagine the pain the malicksons were feeling. Her heart broke for them, and she said a silent prayer. With the holidays coming up... she couldn't even imagine.


"What a great way to spend Christmas" Louis gave a soft sigh as he stared at the small make shift tree in Liam's hospital room. He was in remission, and the new round of medication actually seemed to be working... the doctors were actually optimistic, and even said he would be okay. With any luck he would be able to go home within the next two weeks depending on if his labs stayed normal.

"Santa coming soon right papa? Louis asked hopefully as he toyed with the iv that was snaked in his hand.

"Yeah baby just a week away! Want to right your letter to Santa?" He smiled.

Pretending to be happy... pretending like everything was okay. It was hard, impossible even, but deep down they couldn't just give up. They still had a five year old boy who needed them... but Niall remained heavy on all of their thoughts.

"Yeah I know exactly what I want this year!!" Liam exclaimed happily jumping slightly on the bed.

Louis gave a small smile.

'Oh to have the heart of a child' he thought sadly.

'Then things might begin to look up...'

Without another thought he put on another brace face, and handed Liam a pen, and a notepad. Wondering what the little boy was so excited to ask for.

Whatever it was he knew for a fact that the little boy would get it. They would make sure if that.


A/N: I know that this chapter isn't as long as usual, but I hope it's okay! I also made it close to Christmas considering I'm a few days it will be Christmas!!

What did you guys think of Harry's reaction?

Also of him wanting his mommy?
~adorable if I do say so myself 😉

What do you think Liam's going to ask for Christmas?

As usual, please comment any thoughts, questions, ideas! I hope you guys enjoyed this update, and remember I love you guys, and your all amazing!! Xx-c 💋 (I updated my phone, and i thought this was a cool emoji 😎😂)

Okay... bye for real!!

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