Chapter 6

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A/N: here's the warning for this chapter! There's trauma injuries that are mentioned, and brief mentions of suicide attempt, and abuse mentioned. Not many warnings to attach, but if you think this might trigger you don't read your amazing, and your strength is incredible. Never forget that there are people here for you! Hope you enjoy X-C

Doctor Blake took a deep breath, and pulled open the chart of their son.

"Mr. Malickson Niall is in critical condition. When he hit the car he fell onto his back, and his spine was fractured. We aren't able to tell what kind of damage has been done because of the fracture because he isn't awake yet. There is some noticeable swelling on his brain due to a serious head injury.  In the surgery preformed we took care of a bleed that occurred, and we also removed his spleen, and took care of the internal damage that occurred. We won't know if their are any serious side effects until he is awake."

"When will he wake up?" Louis asked softly as he tried to take in all the information.

"Sir... Your son has fallen into a coma" he told them suddenly.


A coma.... A coma.... Coma....

The words continued to play around in Louis head. He wasn't a doctor, but he was married to one. He knew how serious a coma was. He just wouldn't allow himself to completely break. The doctor had to be lying! His baby couldn't be in a coma... He, he just couldn't be!

Zayn took a breath as he allowed himself to process the news. He began to piece them together, and slightly shook his head when he heard the word coma.  Coma's were very critical, and he knew that it meant that his son may not wake up. He for one was not sure how to actually feel about that.

"W-when will he wake up?" Louis asked again his voice cracking from tears that threatened to spill.

"Babe... He can't answer that" Zayn sighed holding Louis hand comfortingly to calm him.

"No!! When will he wake up?!" He asked louder this time tears in his eyes.

"Uhm... Sir I don't know when... Or if he will wake up. A coma is a very serious thing, and it really depends on if there was any damage to his cerebral cortex, and a structure in the brain stem called the reticular activating system or the RAS. If any of these areas are then.... I Really don't know sir." he sighed taking a deep breath preparing himself for any release of emotions that would most definitely occur.

"B-but?!" Louis lip jutted forward, and tears began to stream from his already pale face.

"N-n-no not my baby!" He starts to sob. His body lightly shaking due to it.

Zayn reached forward and tries to shush Louis, but even he couldn't deny the tears that were in his eyes. He knew how serious comas could be. He was an assistant with doctors for crying out loud! He knew all the statistics. For once though he tried to push his own thoughts aside, and calm Louis.

"Niall's strong baby" he said.

"He's only a teenager, and he's in good health otherwise" was another meaningless statement that was used to try and calm him.

Louis wasn't stupid though. He knew the likely hood of coma survival rates. While Niall was strong physically... Mentally he was obviously weakened. While he didn't dare say this out loud he had a bad feeling that this entire "accident" was on purpose.


Doctor Blake showed the parents to their son's room, and watched them carefully. He needed to figure out how this happened. He had the police up his neck to determine what had truly happened to the young boy.

"May I speak with one of you in my office please? I have some general questions that need to be answered" he told them.

"I'll go" Louis looked up not being able to stand seeing his baby boy in this state.

"I need to go see Liam anyways" Zayn spoke and left nialls room causing Louis to glare after him.

With Zayn,  Niall  rarely seemed to matter, and he didn't quite know when their relationship began to fail. As Zayn and Niall grew farther apart their relationship as a married couple began to whither as well. That broke Louis' heart.

Zayn had been his high school sweetheart, and his only friend and boyfriend since he was 10 . Now almost more than 10 years later Louis was in his late twenties, and Zayn in his early thirties. It just wasn't fair. A once perfect family was nothing but an imperfect mess.


"Is something wrong doctor Blake?" Louis spoke softly his heart heavy with what seemed to be a weight of everything occurring in his life at the moment.

"I just need to ask a few questions regarding your sons accident" he told him cooly.

He knew he had to approach this subject very cautiously, but he also knew he needed to do it fast. If this child was a victim of abuse then he needed to act fast, and possibly help Louis, and Liam if they were another victim.

"Uhm... Okay I I don't really know what happened. One minute I I was talking with him, and then he walked off" he lied his eyes widening as tears threatened to spill. His mind replaying the conversation.


"Your soaking wet you could've made Liam sicker. He's your younger brother niall, and he's dying! You need to stop being so careless"

"Is that all you care about?" Niall asked his voice shaking from anger and tears that threatened to spill.

"Yes Niall god your younger brother is really, really sick and needs us"

"Liam needs you? What about me papa Don't I matter? He's not your only son! when did you stop caring about me? if you really cared you'd of stopped me from making a stupid mistake!
Anymore it's mot a mistake...
bye papa"

{{end flashback}}

"Are you sure that's all?" Doctor Blake questioned.

He knew that wasn't it, and could tell from how the younger man was shaking in the chair, tears in his eyes, and his eyes wide as if he were watching something with an intense content.

"No.... No... It's my my fault!!" I hurt him!!! He did this because of me... I hurt him, and now he's going to die!" He sobbed his entire body shaking from the sobs.

Doctor Blake sighed, and took a deep breath.

"Sir you do release this is grounds for abuse... I I have to contact the police" he spoke smoothly pulling out his phone.

Louis didn't hear a word he said, and simply nodded his head sobbing harshly as he fully realized how much hurt he'd caused his son, and yet all he wanted was to be a great father. He wasn't though. He put one child in front of the other, and now his other son was suffering from the mistakes he caused.

Doctor Blake silently left the room, and made his way outside the room. He had to call the police, social services, and yet he didn't even truly know the whole story.


A/N: well guys there we go there's chapter 6!! So it took so long to upload. My life has been crazy between college, and work. Things are slowly calming down. So what do you all think? Let me know, and remember I love all the comments! Your guys are amazing. Love you all have a great afternoon 💕🙃 X-C

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