Chapter 18

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A/N: hey guys the writing bug bit me haha! Here is chapter 18 the one that you have all been awaiting! I hope you all enjoy it x

Same warnings: mentions injuries from attempted suicide.


"Niall can you hear?" Another unrecognizable voice said, and suddenly the annoying flight got brighter and he whimpered in pain.

"Shhh baby boy your fine" another voice soothed.

He wasn't fine though! The light really hurt. His head was killing him, and he was so confused. He didn't know these voices, and he couldn't even see there faces. What was going on?!

"Niall just relax give yourself a minute. There. Now try to open your eyes fully" the voice said again.


After several minutes his eyes adjusted, and he found the faces to be the same as the voices.

"It's okay baby your okay now" Zayn smiled tears of joy falling down his face as he squeezed his hand.

Niall whimpered at not only the pain, but also at Zayn. Why did he keep reassuring him. Did he know him? He didn't even know who he was at the moment!

The monitors began to sound as he began to cry and move his upper buddy around as if trying to get comfortable. He couldn't move his legs... and his head. He couldn't even explain what he felt! The words wouldn't come out all that did was more whimpers.

"Niall baby relax" Louis frowned looking at doctor Blake in worry.

"Niall calm down your fine.just breathe okay? The nurse is giving you medicine for the pain" he assured.

But the pain didn't go away... neither did the confusion.


"W-whoo are you?" Niall whimpered staring at the nameless faces that continued to throw out useless reassurments.

"Niall?" Louis felt his heart stop.

"W-what do you mean baby? It's daddy and papa" he frowned his voice breaking as tears started to flow down his face.

"I don't know you! Who are you? Uhhh" Niall cried out his voice growing in volume, and suddenly his body began to shake as the moans grew louder.

His already fragile body in the midst of a seizure.


"Nurse diazepam stat!" Doctor Blake told the nurse urgently. He wasn't about to let this seizure play out.

Within minutes the seizure had calmed, and Niall was sedated for the night sleeping soundly.

"Nurse send his parents to my office please" doctor Blake said as he finished stabilizing Niall.

"Okay doctor" the young women smiled and did just as she was asked to do.


"He didn't remember us! That isn't normal Zayn!" Louis cried

"Honey... it's not but he had a really bad head injury...." Zayn was trying to reassure them both, but his knowledge in the medical field gave him the thoughts he really didn't care to have. As a parent he just tried to keep the faith.

"But it's not normal! He will get it back right? Right?!" Louis whimpered.

The door opened and Louis and Zayn both turned to stare as doctor Blake made his way and sat down.

"What is going on?!" Louis half yelled as he leaned in his seat.

"Babe" Zayn sighed gently pushing him back into his seat holding his hand.

"I know things seem really scary right now, but try to be positive. He is awake and that is major feat all on its own"

"But he doesn't remember us!" Louis stated the complete obvious, and the doctor sighed nodding his head.

"I know Louis, but I did warn you that if he did wake up there more than likely be complications. When he fell and his struck his head on the ground his brain swelled as you remember. This no doubt has caused some amnesia. Wether or not it's permanent is something we can determine later. The stress of not remembering you caused the seizure"

"I-its our fault" Louis whimpered. Zayn simply hung his head In defeat.

"Don't beat yourself up. He was the one that was stressing. The seizures are something temporary I am hoping at least. That is another we can test for later. These are some of the complications I was warning about. Just keep the faith alright?" He told them giving them a reassuring smile.


Niall awoke late the next morning, and saw the same unfamiliar faces in his room.

"Hey Niall it's okay buddy. I know you don't remember us, but it's okay. You had an accident and hit your head really hard baby" Zayn smiled trying to keep the tears at bay as he held his hand.

Niall stares at him for a moment before nodding slowly careful not to aggravate his head.

"Sss that why my legs don't work?" He whispered.

With that statement Louis and Zayn both felt the world around them crumble.


A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! As usual please like and comment. If you ever have ideas or questions I try to answer/ respond to everyone! I hope every one has a happy Easter! Love you x-c

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