Chapter 8

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A/N: this chapter explains suicide attempt, and depression. If this will effect anyone please don't read. Your all amazing, beautiful people who deserve to live a happy life! Enjoy loves xx-C (the chapter changed a lot towards the end.)

"Excuse me I'm looking for Niall Malikson" Harry's voice shook as he stared at the nurse at the front desk of the ICU.

The nurse smiles at the teenager, and began to type in the computer.

"Son if your not family you can't see him. I'm sorry" she apologized.

"He's... He's my brother" Harry lied his hands shaking slightly as he tried to sound half way believable.

"Well in that case it's room 215 D" she smiled at the boy. She wasn't stupid, and knew that the boy actually wasn't his brother. However she did know he obviously wanted to see him bad.

"Thank you" Harry quickly made his way down the hallway.

He stared in front of nialls hospital room not budging. He had to gain the courage to walk inside. His dad's had told him that he was in bad shape, and every time he called the hospital a nurse would tell him that he was in no shape to talk, and the future was unknown.

He took a deep breath, and fumbled the handle before he finally opened the door.


Doctor Blake was looking over his patient when he heard the door open and noticed a young boy standing in the door way.

"May I help you son?" He smiled.

"I I'm here to see my brother" he lied once again.

The doctor gave him a look, and Harry knew instantly his lying wasn't going to work this time.

"I know your not his brother kid" he sighed. "And because of that you shouldn't be in here"

"No! Please I'm sorry! He's my best friend I I had to see him!" He was no frantic.

He needed to see Niall... To know he was okay.

"Relax son it's okay" doctor Blake gave a sad smile.

"It is?" He asked confused.

He was half expecting to be kicked out of his room, or scolded. Something! Not this.

"You wouldn't be lying about him being your brother if it weren't for something important. You guys are close right?"

Harry nodded in utter shock how nice this doctor was.

"He's my best friend. He's practically like my brother, and I know he's been hurting lately" he explained to the doctor.

Doctor Blake looked at the kid his face etching with interest.

"What do you mean hurting?"

Harry stopped knowing he had said too much. Instead he shrugged hoping the doctor forgot what he'd just said.

"Son I really need to know. The more you can tell us the sooner we can help him" he explained, and Harry looked at him tears in his eyes as he nodded taking a deep breath and breaking down telling the doctor everything.


"It.... It's not their fault, they would never want to hurt him. They just have a lot going on with Liam, and Niall has turned into a jerk. I think he did this on purpose"

That was when doctor Blake knew what he had to do. This child needed to be examined, and on suicide watch.  This was no longer a question of abuse, but one of what led to him attempting.

"I I stopped him once... About a week ago, and uhm he... He was on the bridge near the park. I I grabbed him. I could loose him, and I I know he did this on purpose. He's not been happy since his little brother was diagnosed with cancer.... Everything changed. Now he wants to die, and I couldn't even stop him" he sobbed into nialls pale hand.


The room was silent despite the constant beep of the heart monitor that assured them he was alive, and the swoosh of the ventilator that helped him breath.

Harry stayed by his side, and held his hand. His head lying on the side of the hospital bed. He just wanted his best friend to be okay.

Slowly his eyes began to flutter open. He could feel someone touching his hand, but he couldn't talk. The heart monitor quickly raised, and Harry watched in worry.

"Niall? Niall?! Please calm down!" He cried holding his hand tightly despite the annoying monitor that continued to go off.

Niall could hear the pleading voice, but he had no control over the feeling inside him. It was a deep pain inside his chest, and he almost felt dizzy.

The heart monitor attached to his chest continued to raise, and suddenly Niall felt his body began to move against his will. He felt himself drift far off into oblivion, and he didn't fight. The overwhelming pain his chest, stomach, and back prevented the fight.

"Niall!" Harry began to cry as he watched his friends body began to seize. Thrashing against the bed as it made a horribly clunking sound with each movement.


"Get him out of here!" Doctor Blake screamed to a nurse. With quick movements the boy's friend was out, and the seizure was stopped.

"Doctor; oxygen levels are dropping!"

"Blood pressures down!"

"Doctor His eyes are swollen!"

Doctor Blake let out a few choice words as he listened to all the negative results the nurses threw at him.

"I want a CT scan, full skull series, start an EPO stimulant, and I want a pulmonologist updated on his condition, and looking into stem cell therapy. We need to raise these oxygen levels before we loose him." He shouted out all of the orders, and said a quick prayer.

Each day this young child's chances decreased.


Louis and Zayn smiled as they watched Liam finally keep down a small amount of toast. The chemo he was undergoing was tough, but was slowly starting to show little hope. The hope of finally going into remission... All with the hope of staying in remission.

When word of Niall's condition was relayed to them Louis felt that small amount of hope just disappear. Everyday they were told of Niall's decreasing chances... While Liam seemed to finally be showing some promise. They were faced with differing feelings, and confusion was at the top.


Harry sat outside Niall's room blood shot eyes staring at the blocked off sliding door. silent prayers falling from his pale pink lips.

"Harry?!" Louis asked as he ran towards his eldest sons room. After hearing his condition ; he couldn't just sit there. He needed to be there for his baby.

Harry looked over hearing his name being called. Those silent tears that fell turned into loud sobs as he found himself relieving the entire situation in his friend's fathers chest.

A/N: Guys This chapter has changed a lot!!! Especially at the ending.

What do you think of Harry lying to be with Niall?

Is Harry in love with Niall?

What do you think of Niall's decline in health?

Will he be okay?

Remember to read, review, and let me know what y'all thought of the changes in the chapter. Love you guys X-c

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