xiii. Plans

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xiii. Plans

| Hailey's Point of View |

The four of us didn't stay at the pool to much longer. Brianna came up with the great idea of going to a museum, so we all wanted to get washed up and refreshed before going.

Michael suggested I ride back with Bri, and him and Luke ride back together so they'd get some guy time and talk about 'manly' things.

Me and Bri have never really spent that much time together, much less alone together.

I sit in the passenger seat and Bri is driving because it is her car. We sit in silence, the sound of the wheels against the road consuming the two of us.

"So, uh How long have you and Michael been together?" I ask trying to make conversation. I, of course already knew the answer because Michael is my best friend and I'm the one who was reminded to remind him not to forget their anniversary.

"5 months, 6 days,-" she stops and checks her watch for a second. "12 minutes and 5 seconds." She lets out an embarrassed laugh when she notices the look on my face. "But who's counting."

"Yeah... who's counting?" I kind of trail off.

"So um you and um..." She furrows her eyebrows, trying to think. "I actually don't think I know his name."

"Its Luke" I smile and bite my lip to keep it from growing. "And yeah, I guess we are a thing now." It feels nice to have a female presence near me. I guess I'm just now realizing that I don't have very many friends other than Michael, Luke, and Calum.

"Aw! You two are so cute together!" Bri gushes. She shoots me a quick smile before turning back to face the road.

I can feel my face heat up at her remark. "Thanks" I say quietly.

"No problem!" She flashes me another smile.

Bri is what I would refer to as sort of preppy, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just different then I'm used, I guess. Each time I've met her, which has only been a few times every now and then, she's been bubbly and happy and cheerful. But it's nice, her happiness is contagious and automatically puts anyone in a good mood.

It doesn't take Bri much longer to arrive at our house. We beat the boys to the house too. Before Mum had kicked us out this morning, she slipped me the key to let ourselves back in if she was asleep. Which she was, so it came in handy.

I took my shower first because Bri said she takes much longer. I purposely made my shower quicker to prove I took fast showers. And Bri was right when she said she took long showers. I've already gotten dressed, brushed and styled my hair, which takes me at least 20 minutes just to mess with my hair. I'm now sitting in front of the mirror, applying my makeup when Bri steps into the room fully clothed, with one the boys right behind her. Michael.

Bri is dressed in a black tank top with an unbuttoned white button up shirt over it and black shorts, with a matching black fedora. She looks like she'd just stepped out of the magazine, she looks flawless.

"Just about ready to go, Hails?" Michael asks me. When I look over at him, he's leaning against the doorframe with Bri right beside him, tucked under his arms.

I turn back to the mirror and quickly finish before nodding and standing up. "All ready." I dust of the back of my jean shorts. "Where's Luke?"

"Already missing lover-boy?" Michael teases me. I just roll my eyes at him and myself for smiling like an idiot remembering that he is my boyfriend now.

"He's in his room." Bri tells me. She's smiling at me too.

"Thanks." I tell her as I slip past the two of them and head to down to Luke's bedroom at the end of the hall.

I knock on the door softly, but there's no response. I peek my head through the door "Luke?" I call out. I stand there for a few seconds deciding if I should enter his room or just wait. I decide to just enter.

When I step inside of his room, it's so much different then mine. It has color! Lots of it. It's not a plain tan, its bright and beautiful. James must have changed it.

I step further inside the room when I don't see Luke and close the door behind me. Luke appears a few seconds later from the bathroom connected to his room and it takes me a few seconds to take him in.

His hair is soaked and dripping with water from his shower. He's wearing nothing but a plain white towel that's hanging dangerously low on his hips revealing his toned torso, and v-line to me.

When he sees me, instead of being surprised like I am, he smirks as if this happens all the time.

"I-I'm sorry, I knocked but no one answered." I sputter and I can feel the heat rushing to my cheeks.

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