i. Interview

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I. Interview

| Hailey's Point Of View |

"You're right on time Ms. Walter" A lady behind the counter smiles at me.

I return her smile with one of my own and nod. " I really tried to be,..." I squint to see her name tag "Mrs. Winfrey"

"He's waiting for you in his office" She stands up and points to his office. Of course it's the biggest one towards the corner of the room.

I give her a grateful smile before quickly walking away to his office. I look at the other men and women working, typing in their computers and shit.

I'm an 18 year old teenager, not aloud to drink, yet I work at a bar. How ironic? The owner of the bar has been a family friend for as long as I can remember so he gave me the job, no questions asked.

On the door, printing in big bold black letters reads:

Mr. Hemming's Office

I lightly knock on it and wait patiently outside of the door. It only takes a few seconds for a short man, wearing a striped gray business suit with his thin blonde hair combed over to one side showing bald spots on his head.

He smiles at me with a genuine smile and shakes my hands with his clammy fat ones before pulling me into his office.

"Please, please sit down Ms...." He trails off, not knowing my name.

"Walter, Ms. Walter" I smile as I inform him of my last name. My mothers maiden name that I was given since my father didn't want responsibility of me only my mother.

He nods his head and sits down behind his dark colored wooden desk in a black leather chair with wheels on the bottom. The chair glides back a little when he flops down in the chair.

I on the other hand gracefully sit down in one of the two red leather seats. It's not at all comfy, making me sit towards the edge of the seat.

"So let's get down to business" He speaks softly and gathers his papers into one stack, examining the first.

"Hailey Walter,

Age 18,

Birthday is the 5th of June,

Works at a bar since she was 15,

Lives alone,

and single" He reads down the lines, only saying what he cares about.

He rubs his naked, hairless chin thinking of an idea. He looks up at me before back down at my file. He slowly sets it back down onto the stack of papers and folds his hands together onto of his desk, looks up at me.

"I'll make you a deal" He smiles at me. "If you can get my son to let you write a story on him then you can get your journal writing job here"

I stare at him wide-eyed. Job?! He'd give me a job here? I bite my lip to hold back my enormous smile. I was only looking for an internship but I could possibly get a job here!

"But!" He continues "if you cannot get him to let you write a story on him then you will not get a job here nor an internship. " He speaks the last part slowly, making sure it sinks in.

I nod my head understanding every word he just said perfectly. He smiles at me. "You have 2 months to get a story" He tells me "I'll get him to meet you at your.... work place tomorrow night"

He stands up and walks around the desk to his door. I stand up and give him a hug before leaving his office with a smile plastered in my face. "Thank you!" I call out to him.

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