xi. Pool

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xi. Pool

| Hailey's Point of View |

"You kids go out" Mum shoos us out of the door.

"Go live a little while you're in Hawaii" She tells us before closing the door in our faces. Michael stands gaping at the door for a few minutes before turning away.

"Where to?" I ask, looking at Michael then Luke, then at Michael again. Luke shrugs and Michael motions for us to follow him, which we do.

Michael climbs in the driver side, me in the passenger side, and Luke in the back. Michael pulls out of the driveway and speeds down the road.

I turn on the radio and just listen to the songs play and change stations each time someone starts talking.

"So where exactly are we going?" Luke asks from the backseat. I turn around and look at him for a split second, trying my best not to smile.

"Shut up Luke, back-seaters don't get to talk." I say and can't contain the laughter that escapes my lips. Luke rolls his eyes but smiles and Michael just busts out laughing.

"Love you too" Luke says sarcastically. I smile and gush at him in a teasing manner.

"Aww, I love you too" I continue to tease him and he blushes.

"Alright love birds, you can cut it out now" Michael glares at us from the rear view mirror. Me and Luke both blush at this. "I mean, I don't understand why you won't just ask her out" Michael continues, "Both of you like each other ... a lot. It's obvious."

Michael officially has me slumped down in the passenger seat and Luke staring out of the window, his face all red and I'm sure mine is no better.

"Oh come on" Michael laughs at the two of us. "I was just teasing" he smiles as I sit back up in my seat.

"Cut it out would you" I glare at him. I sigh. "So where are we going anyway?" I ask him.

"We're stuck on either the club or swimming pool. We haven't decided yet." He shrugs.

"I vote neither, we don't have bathing suits and it's was too early for the club." I explain to him, he glances at the clock to see that it's 4pm, meaning we left around 12pm.

"Then we'll go to the pool or beach." He states. "We can pick up bathing suits on the way."

I nod, Luke doing the same. We end up just stopping at Walmart. I end up getting a high waisted bikini and a dress as a cover up. Luke and Michael both get swimming trunk that we change into.

I receive a few glares from jealous girls as they see me walking with my arms around Luke and Michaels's waists. I of course don't take the high road and stick my tongue out at each glare I get.

"The pool or the beach?" Luke asks as we exit Walmart. I shrug and look over at Michael waiting for an answer.

"Pool" He answers "I might have agreed with Bri that I'd meet her at the pool"

"Bri is in Hawaii?" I ask him. He nods. "Bri is Michael's girlfriend" I tell look using air quotations around girlfriend. When Luke gives me an adorable confused face I smile and explain further.

"She seems to wear the pants in this relationship as she's the one who's asks him out on dates." I finish the sentence glaring at Michael and him giving me a cheeky smile.

He pulls into the parking lot and when I look over at the sign it reads:

Monica Valley Swimming Pool

We all climb out and I pull up my dress before following the two of them inside. Michael, surprisingly, pays for the three of us before leading us outside to where the pool is.

A girl with blonde hair waves at us and motions for us to come join her. She's wearing a pink flamingo bikini and her hair pulled back in a ponytail and her sunglasses acting as a headband.

She hugs Michael, her head only reaching his shoulder like me to Luke. Next she comes over and hugs me, being an inch or two shorter.

"What's up Bri" I smile and hug her back.

"Michael texted me and said I should meet you guys here." She smiles at me. She finally noticed Luke quietly standing beside me.

"You must think I have no manners." She flashes him a polite smile "I'm Brianna" She sticks her hand out for him to shake which he does.

"You guys ready to go?" She turns to Michael who nods. They leave me and Luke standing alone.

I flash him a smile before pulling my dress down until it puddles at me feet. I lay it down on the table just as Luke pulls his shirt over his head revealing his almost toned torso. I can't help but to bite my lip.

| Luke's Point of View |

I can't help but to smirk at Hailey when I noticed her checking me out and pulling her bottom lip in between her teeth. Fuck she looks so sexy.

"Ready?" She asks me snapping me from my thoughts. I nod and follow her over to the side of the pool.

She stands there and just stares at the water, wrapping her arms securely around her waist self-consciously when she noticed the large amount of people in the pool.

I move to stand behind her, my arms wrapping around her waist.
"No worries" I whisper in her ear.

In one quick movement I pick her up and throw her into the pool, her screaming in surprise. I bend over laughing at her as she comes back up to surface.

A few people stare at us but Hailey doesn't seem to notice. "I can't believe you did that!" She squeals, a few more glancing our way. "Give me your hand" She demands, holding her hand out for mine.

I smile at her and place my hand in hers. She pulls me towards her but moves in the last second so I don't land on her. How did I not see that coming?

"How dare you!" I mock her and slowly take small steps toward her but she doesn't seem to notice.

"How dare I?! How dare you!" She laughs and splashes the water at me. By now the whole pool is watching the two of us. I splash her back causing her to squeal and turn her head to the side.

She splashes me back without looking so I take bigger steps, splashing her with each step I take.
She doesn't seem to realize that I'm only centimeters from her.

I stop splashing her and she seems to notice because she stops splashing me back. She waits a few seconds before turning to look at me.

I quickly dip my head down to meet her lips in a soft and gently kiss. She kisses me back almost automatically, her arms wrapping around my neck to pull me closer.

I pull away but keep our foreheads together. I smile at her, and she returns it, melting my heart a little and boosting my confidence.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I'm sorry.

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