iv. Gotta Go

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iv. Gotta Go

| Hailey's Point of View |

"You don't have to go" Calum whines. Him and Luke have been trying to persuade me not to leave for the past 10 minutes.

I laugh at them and shake my head "but I do! I've got so much do" I argue back.

"Like what?" Calum crosses his arms over his chest waiting for an answer from me. I open my mouth to say something then close it again, what do I have to do?

"See! You have nothing to do so stay here with us!!" Calum exclaims and throws his hands up in the air.

I nod my head "yes I do! I have to go to work" I continue to argue with them, none of us getting anywhere. Michael lets out a frustrated sigh.

"But your shift doesn't start till dark!!" Luke found in. I shake my head and give him a small smile.

"I have two jobs" I admit with a shrug. Luke doesn't take this as an excuse.

"Why?" Calum asks

"Well I have to support myself somehow" I roll my eyes. It couldn't be that hard to know that. My mom is great but she isn't in the greatest position to take care of me, but she try's and that's all I can ask for.

"I'll pay for you! My dad's the owner of Microsoft making him a billionaire! " Calum offers. I gape at him but quickly recover and shake my head.

"You can't do that" I object. Calum places his hands on my arms and shakes me.

"Whyyyy nottttt" He whines. I giggle as he shakes me and when he finally stops I feel a bit dizzy. I close my eyes for a second, a smile still on my face.

"Because I can take care of myself just fine" I open my eyes to face a frowning Luke close to me. Calum's hands are still on my arms but not in a sexual way, I don't think.

"I'm not saying you can't! I just want to help you! Financially" Calum try's to reason with me but I just shake my head.

"What if I let you help me out financially and then you start to hate me, what do I do them?" I question him. I cross my arms over my chest and raise a brow at him waiting for his answer.

Calum gapes at me and stares at me. I uncross my arms and send him an embarrassed smile. Calum sends me and smile and moves over to hug me. I lean into him during his embrace then pull away, Calum doing the same.

"I won't ever hate you" Calum looks serious. Like dead people serious.

"But what if-"

"No what ifs!" Luke interrupts me by covering my mouth with his big hands. "Calum won't ever hate you, and couldn't ever hate you" He assures me. I nod my head to say okay. He slowly removes his hand and I purse my lips together tightly turning the skin around them pale white.

"Promise?" I ask

Luke nods almost automatically "Promise"

"But I've really gotta go"

I quickly grab my things and run to the front door. I unlock it as fast as I can and sprit down the hallway.

"Hailey!" Calum calls out my name from inside their flat. "You weren't supposed to leave!" He yells. "Or run out of the door" He whines this time.

When I look back he's standing at the doorway watching me leave. I slow down to a stop and wave goodbye. Calum pokes his bottom lip out and pouts.

Luke on the other hand pushes Calum aside slightly, enough for him to get through and runs towards me. I squeal and turn around, running again.

I run to the stairs and run down them, my foot looses it's footing and I tumble down the rest of the way.

An 'Umph' coming from me as my butt hits the ground. Luke races over the me as I stand up and dust my butt off. Why do I always slip on the fucking stairs?

I blow a piece of my blue hair from my face, a bit frustrated that I can't seem to run down a flight of stairs, I mean what the fuck? Everyone can do it except for me it seems like.

Luke chuckles as he takes his time making his way over to me. He skips down the stairs, laughing at my fail to get away.

"Are you alright?" He smirks at me. I roll my eyes at him and smile. I nod my head to tell him I'm fine. He places his hand on my arm and leans behind me. I let out a surprised yelp when he starts to swat the dirt off my butt, not expecting it.

"Nice to know you still care about my butt" I remark sarcastically when he's finished. "Who wouldn't?" He plays along with me and I stick my tongue out at him.

"But I really gotta go" I tell him and point to the exit door, a few feet away from where I fell. I couldn't even making it to the fucking door!

Before Luke can say anything, I send him a quick wave and quickly walk out of the building. I frown when I remember I don't have my car and have no clue where I am. Why didn't I ask or think of this earlier?!

I sigh and head to the side walk and pull my phone out if my back pocket and google the way back to the bar. My answer is no help. The distance is about 2 miles to far. I walk forward some, out of the eyesight of Luke and Calum's Flat.

I dial Michaels number and stand still, but twirl around on the sidewalk waiting for him to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" Michael answers his phone after 2 seconds.

I smile even though he can't see me. "Hey! it's me"

"I figured that much" Michael remarks sarcastically and already know that he's rolling his eyes at my on the other side of the phone.

"Can you come pick me up?" I ask and fiddle with the hem of my shirt and look down at my feet.

"Yeah I guess, where are you?"

"Ummm.... about that. I don't really know" I look around me for any sign or something, but find nothing.

"Look for a sign" Michael suggests.

I walk further down the sidewalk to the end and find a street sign. 2 actually but yeah. "I'm on Reese Way?" I read the sign to Michael. He's silent for a minute or two before replying.

"Aright I'm on my way" He says and hangs up. Well then, love you too dude.

I sit down on the side of the curb and wait for Michael. Very few cars pass by, non of them being Michael. A few more minutes pass and I begin to worry a bit.

Calm down Hailey, I'm sure Michael hasn't gotten lost and knows exactly where you are and isn't going to leave you out in the middle of where ever! I frown at myself, that helped.

I pull out my notepad and write down more things I noticed about Luke:

11. Neat

12. Stubborn

13. Persistent

14. Definitely Cute



Way to end the chapter huh?! Yupp Hailey's all alone on a curb. Poor her.

Idk what else to say so continue reading

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