vi. Plus One

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vi. Plus One

| Luke's Point of View |

Hailey yells something to me, but I don't catch it. This is the second time I have came to the bar since I've known her for three or four days? The music seems louder this time, preventing me from hearing her.

I grab her hand and point to the door. She nods following behind me as I have her wrist in my grip. I hold the back door open for her and close it behind me.

"What were you saying?" I ask, now that I can actually hear myself.

"If you...erm... wanted to come to Hawaii with us." She smiles nervously at me "because we'll be gone for a month maybe and umm I need to write that story in you so I... was wondering if you wanted to go"

I can't stop the retarded smile that makes it's way to my face. Hailey stands there, biting her lip as she waiting a for my answer. God she's so fucking cute.

"Yeah, sure" I finally give her an answer. A pair of arms wrap around my neck, causing me to stumble back a little from not expecting it.

It only takes me a few seconds to react. I wrap my arms around her small waist and pull her to me. The hug last a little longer than a normal one. She pulls away first and smiles at me.

"I'll umm go tell Michael" She smiles at me once more before heading inside to Michael. I guess he's going to? I nod and follow in behind her, heading over to Michael as well.

"Does that mean he spends the night at your house?" Michael asks Hailey as I'm walking up. She shrugs, not realizing I'm behind her.

I hold a finger over my lips when Michael looks at me. He gives me a slight nod signaling he won't say anything. I move closer to Hailey and move my hands to her sides.

In one quick movement I move my hands to her sides and tickle her. She lets out a squeal, a few people turning to look at her. She squirms and giggles, her perfect blue hair going wild.

"...L...Luke!" She makes out between her laughs, gasping for air. Her face turns red and I finally stop. Michael is doubled over laughing. She moves her hair out of the face and huffs.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me he was there!" She yells at Michael who just shrugs and laughs. I try to cover up my laugh with a cough but fail, she then turns to me and pokes me in my chest. "And I can't believe you tickled me!" She squeal, I start to laugh and she crosses her arms over her chest and pouts, her bottom lip poking out making her look sexy as fuck.

"I'm sorry" I continually laugh and she pushes my arm.

"Fuck you guys too then" She sticks her tongue out at me and Michael before turning away from us to go take some guys order.

We hang at the bar till 1am, Hailey can barely keep her eyes open let alone walk. Me and Michael on the other hand discussed about guitar and vocal skills for the last 2 hours. Hailey worked the entire time while Michael talked to people, entertaining them, or teasing Hailey about things. I joined in by telling Michael how we met and I can say he definitely won't let Hailey forget.

"Ready to go?" Michael asks me, and Hailey. She nods her head on the counter, I chuckles as I nod my head. "Then let's head home" He suggest.

Hailey pushes herself off of the counter and stumbles a bit as she walks. Michael heads out, leaving me to watch her. I smile to myself and move over to her. "Let me help you" I offer.

She nods and stops moving, waiting for me to help her somehow. I pick her up bridal style.

She snuggles her head into my neck and closes her eyes. This reminds me of when I carried her to my car, and into my flat. She looks so beautiful and peaceful as she sleeps.

"I'll take her to my car" I tell Michael when I get outside. He chuckles when he sees us.

"Yeah okay, just follow me" He smiles and heads over to his car. I head in the other direction and place Hailey in the passenger seat when I get to it.

I close her door before jogging over to my side. I start up the car and follow Michael out of the parking lot to there house.


| Hailey's Point of View |

"You let her work to late!" Mum complains. I know she's speaking to Michael knowing she doesn't know Luke yet.

Luke carried me inside as I pretend to be asleep. No one seems to have noticed as I listen to them, their voice, and their thoughts.

"Who are you?" Mum directs the question to Luke. He stops moving and stands where he is.

"I'm Luke, Hailey's friend" He answers. Mum chuckles and makes her way over to him.

"I'm Mary, Hailey's mum" She pats his shoulder near my head. "I take it you're coming with us to Hawaii?"

"Yeah, if that fine with you?" Luke directs it as more of a question then a statement.

"Of course it's okay with me!" Mum exclaims. "I'll show you where her room is so you can put her down"

Luke starts walking again, following mum down the hallway and turning to the right into my room.

My walls and carpet and bed sheets are all white. It's a boring room, but I'm not aloud to change it. It's James house that he's letting me and Michael stay in. We secretly let mum stay with us, because I'm in no way leaving her. Luke sets me down on my bed and I instantly reach out to grab something.

"I'll leave you two" Mum says quietly before leaving to room. Luke slips out of his shoes and takes mine off to. I sit up just in time to see him take his shirt off, repeating his toned torso. Abs and a sexy tan.

"Can I use your shirt again?" I ask, Luke turns to face me and smirks.

"Yeah, you look good in it, if I do say so myself" He chuckles and tosses it to me. I smile at him and get up, heading into the bathroom. I slip out of my pants and shirt and pull his over my head.

I walk back out into my room, Luke already laying in bed. He smirks when I come back out. "You definitely look better in it" He breaths out, my cheeks heating up.

I climb into bed beside him. He pulls me into his chest, I look up at him and smile.

"Goodnight Luke" I whisper

"Goodnight Hailey" He whispers back.

I close my eyes, to be met by a comfortable and soothing darkness.



Did a Luke point of viewwwwww

I don't do a ton of different point of views so I'm trying!

How adorable are they? Precious I know!

Haha enjoy (;

Read <- thanks!!!

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