vii. Hawaii

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vii. Hawaii

| Hailey's Point of View |

"Get up!" Michael comes into the room and yells at the top of his lungs. I groan in response, Luke waves his hand telling him to go away. "Nooooo, we've gotta go to Hawaii now! The plane tickets are already here" Michael exclaims as he waves the tickets in the air for us to see. He leaves us and heads to the kitchen, most likely to eat.

I look over at Luke who still has his face hidden by the pillows. "Come on, we've gotta get up" I push at his arm and he groans. "Llluuuukkkeeee, time to get upppp"

I smile and jump on top of him. "You have to get up! We're going to Hawaii!!" I yell. Two unexpected hands grab my waist, causing me to let out a scream.

He laughs and rolls over so he's on top and I'm trapped under him, both of his arms at my head and his knees straddling my waist. He smirks down at me "Mmm good morning" He hums, his morning voice still sexy as fuck.

I roll my eyes, but bite my lip to keep from smiling. "Good Morning" I say quietly.

"Love Birds" Michael snorts as he leaves my bedroom doorway. I roll my eyes and crawl out from under him, to my dresser.

"Ready for Hawaii?" I ask as I grab some clothes and turn back around to face him. He nods.

"Yeah" He climbs out of bed and grabs the bag Calum left for him in the middle of the night. It's black and full of everything he needs for our trip. I think. I doubt I'm wrong but who knows? Except for Luke and Calum, I mean, they know what's inside of it.

"I'm gonna go get ready" I smile and walk off into my bathroom. I quickly strip and step inside, under the warm relaxing water. I can't help but to relax a few seconds, letting it run down me.

It doesn't take long for me to wash up and get dressed. I'm wearing a white t-shirt that says "weird•o" and define it. A denim jacket over it, and my famous black ripped shorts and all black sneakers.

"I'm ready" I call through the house, when I reach the kitchen Luke and Michael have their heads together whispering to one another but break away when I come into the room.

"The princess is finally ready" Michael teases me and I stick my tongue out at him. He doesn't call me princess often but if he does, it's only to tease me.

"Come help me load mum's bags" I motion my hands for Michael to follow me. He opens his mouth to object but I stop him. "Must I pull the guilt card?" I cross my arms over my chest and stare at him waiting for an answer.

He gives me a long dramatic sigh as he stands up and motions for me to go first. I smile and him and walk ahead to mum's room. She's bent over her bed, packing the last of her few make up items.

"Need any help?" I ask, flopping down on her bed beside her bag. Michael stands beside me, opposite of where mum is. Mum zips her back up and faces me, and Michael.

"Yes, can one of you get my bag and the other hail a cab?" She asks, looking at us expectantly.

"I'll do get your bag!" I squeal and stand up before Michael can. We both hate hail cabs. I've done it once and don't mind letting Michael do it.... forever. I guess I just hate it because I'm not big on talking to strangers, and in rather shy but I guess Luke was just different.

I grab mum's bag and run out of the room, leaving Michael to call them. I walk back to the kitchen and sit down beside Luke setting the bag down on the bar. Michael walks in, his phone to his ear, calling the cab service.

He hangs up after a few more words then turns to face me. "okay, I've called them" I send him a smile.

"Thank youuuu!" I gush and he rolls his eyes. He moves over to me and sits down on my lap and I try to push him off. "Get up Michael!"

"No, you took my spot and made me call the taxi service" He crosses his arms over his chest and doesn't budge. I push him again, but don't have any luck.

"Would you like to sit on Luke's lap instead?" Michael asks me. He doesn't give me a chance to answer because he hops off of me, picks me up and sets me down on Luke, who wraps his arms securely around me.

"Thank you so much for waiting for my answer" My voice dripping with sarcasm.

Michael gives me a cheeky smile "your so absolutely, very much so welcome" I roll my eyes at him and turn away from him as if I was mad at him.

I'm not mad, mostly just annoyed. It may not be all that big of a thing but Michael is my brother! I'm bound to argue with him.

Luke turns his head to look at Michael but doesn't say anything. Michael hits Luke's arm before he gets up and walks away. I turn to face Luke, and he sends me a tight smile. Boys...

"Ready to go? I think I heard the cab" Mum mutters as she walks past me and Luke to the door. Luke let's go of me and I hop down, him following behind me, and Michael behind him.

I grab mums bag and place it in the trunk of the taxi.... or cab? It doesn't look like a normal taxi. It's all black and better then a cab. It takes 45 minutes tops to get to the airport and when we get there, it's a total hassle.

Everyone is worried about the plane and the tickets and food and sticking together. We're rushing to find where we sit, and when we do mum and Michael are worried about stupid things like the plane getting delayed or it crashing it and stuff like that. The ironic part is that we do this rather often and they panic each time for no reason.

We sit there for maybe an hour or two for our plane to arrive. When it does we're quick to get in line and on the plane. Must I say we got to sit in first class, like always! It's much better then second class which is weird because we're all on the same plane.

I sit next to Luke, and Mum and Michael sit in front of us, stressing together. I'm quite positive those two are connected or something.

Luke takes my hand and squeezes it as the plane goes for take off. I look over at him and smile. His face has drained of color and he looks horrified.

"Not a flier huh?" I tease him. He look over at me and frowns. He shakes his head and closes his eyes as he lays his head back in his seat. "It'll be better when we're up in the air" I reassure him.

I end up falling asleep against Luke, his head is on top of mine and I'm pretty positive he fell asleep. There's a possibility I slept for 4 hours and stayed up about 6 hours. Luke on the other hand slept about 9 hours! He stayed up 1 hour with me before falling asleep.

The flight was smooth I guess. I mean, it was except for the part we dropped 80 feet in the air. But it wasn't that bad and Luke was asleep so I don't have to worry about him freaking about that. I grab my notepad from my back pocket and write down that little fact:

15. Not Big on Flying

I get knocked into and just about drop it. Maybe it wasn't the greatest idea to stand in the middle of a busy airport and write something down, but if I didn't I would have forgotten my new fact! But just cause it wasn't a great idea doesn't give someone the right to bump into me. They have two fucking eyes.

I glare up to see who bumped into me but I relax, mentally and visible when it's just Luke.

"You look like you could have murdered me on the spot" He smirks at me. I stuff my notepad in my back pocket and send him a smile and a shrug.

"I might have if I didn't know you" I giggle and joke with him. He lets out a small laugh before wrapping an arm around me to guide us to where the rest of my family has gone.

"So I have a very important question for you" I stare straight at Luke, serious as a heart attack with no trace of humor. he raises a brow, acting cooly but his eyes give off his shock from my sudden mood change.

"Did you and Calum have an intimate bromance? Like, before you met me?" It takes everything in my to not smile. And I have a feeling me eyes are giving off my silliness.

Luke stares at me a few seconds before blinking and still not answering me. He hasn't confirmed or denied. Ooo that could be juicy shut in the article.

"No." He

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