chapter 25

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Osiris was standing in front of his daughter holding his shoulder as if he was the one in pain, the immortals knew that it could not be the case for their father had never been hurt before but then they had a flashback of the brother Sets attack and how it had damaged their father a lot more than what he had let on.

Adonis could not bare to see his mate in pain and ran towards her only to be grabbed by the hood of his jacket by non other than Set himself.

"hmm so this is the mere mortal that has won the heart of my darling niece", spoke Set as he gazed into Adonis's eyes.

For a moment the God of destruction was confused for in a second or maybe two it looked as if the prince's blue eyes had flashed red but that was not possible thought Set, he must have been imagining things again.

"you.. your Set aren't you, your the one who is to blame for everything" snarled the prince while thrashing to get out of this Gods hold.

Set narrowed his eyes at the prince, what was he to know of pain, he lost his little sister he lost the light in his life, he lost everything because of his father if anything it is their fathers fault that everything is happening not his and yet gazing into the princes eyes he could not help but feel regretful and guilty it was almost like looking at his sisters eyes before she had died.

"you do not know what you are talking about boy, I am a God I am power, you are a mere mortal, a mere human what could you possibly know or understand" growled Set while placing Adonis back on his feet but still keeping a grip on him so he could not interfere with what was happening in the middle of the throne room.

Adonis peered into the Gods eyes and was surprised he expected to see fury and anger and darkness but yet when he looked into Sets eyes all he saw was sadness, loneliness, and longing. This may have been a God but he still could feel the same emotions that humans could and he knew that something must have happened to  make a God crumble like him. 

"what.. what happened to you" whispered Adonis while gazing into the Sets eyes the whole time.

That soft smile graced his lips again and Set inhaled for his little sister was always smiling like that, and always spoke soft words to him, looking at this prince of Egypt the God could not help himself but explain about everything that had happened.

From his little sisters birth, to how the four of them Set, Anubis, Isis and their little sister Sekhmet played together in her protected and sacred place, how she had helped him control his powers and whenever they got out of hand she would absorb some of it so he could control them again. It felt like eternity but Set had spilled out  everything including how his little sister died at the hands of their father and what he had done out of anger and grief.

Adonis could not believe what he was hearing, this God had went through so much but yet he was the reason why everything that had happened to his mate truly transpired, but yet the prince could not feel any anger or destructive tendencies towards him for none of this would have happened if Sekhmet lived and was not killed by their very own father.

The prince could not help but feel sorry for all of the immortals, Sekhmet was their anchor the one thing that held them all together and their father had ripped that way from them all causing darkness to be in Set for he felt the loss of their little sister the most out of them all. 

"I'm sorry I left", whispered Adonis.

Set was confused what did this mortal mean left, he was never once in this realm before so why would he say he was sorry and why did he remind him of Sekhmet so much.

The two immortals who were now standing beside Adonis gently grasped onto Sets hands and pried them off of the minor god, when Set saw his hands being grabbed his aura began to change into the blood lust red once more.

Ever since their little sister had left them due to their father his powers were never in control, any emotions he felt would trigger that aura of destruction once again.

Isis who was watching everything happen around her placed her smooth palm on her older brothers face before turning it so he could look into her eyes.

"Set, we are here for you", spoke Isis in a calming almost hypnotic voice.

The God of destruction's eyes opened wide, there standing before him was his other siblings Anubis and Isis, "what... how did you get here, last time we were together like this was on Andromeda's birthday", said Set who was now no longer being controlled by his powers.

Anubis could see the turmoil in his brothers mind, and to put some of it at ease he began to explain all that had happened from the fights Andromeda had with her younger brother, to how the family had been treating her, how she had lost most of her memories due to a stupid mistake on his part and listening to their father again.

After everything was said, Anubis felt like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders, he had held in his emotions for far too long and it was beginning to eat at his very essence.

Set listened to his younger brothers tales of Andromeda's life and could not help but feel guilty for if he was able to control his emotions a lot better than maybe he would not have cast that spell back when their little sister had faded away.

"I am sorry brother, sister, mortal" whispered the tired and regretful God, "If I had better control over my emotions and power, if that thing did not happen back than maybe everything would have turned out differently".

Adonis who was remaining quiet while the immortals in the room spoke glanced over to where his mate was kneeling and could not help himself, he ran to her grasping her shoulders while saying the words "I'm here" over and over again as if he was trying to prove that he was actually in the Gods realm and not frying like a fish.

Andromeda's eyes which held a lot of pain groggily opened, a blurry shape was all she could see in her vision, shaking her head made her feel even worse and when she touched the back of her head with just her fingertips a gasp left her lips for an electrifying shock past through her body and a moan of pain escaped her chapped lips.

"Who.. who's there" spoke the young goddess while trying to clear her vision, no matter what she did it seemed that her left eye had gone blind, all she could see out of it was darkness. Her right eye was barely any better, whatever her father had done to her truly messed up her eye sight for it was like looking through a broken mirror bits and pieces she could see but the others were just blurs that seemed to dance around with every motion she made with her head. 

Anubis who was still talking to his brother heard what his niece had just said and instantly used his teleportation and appeared before her. When he gazed into her eyes a sob escaped his lips for they used to be almost like a starry black night sky but now one of them was dull and grey as if a fog had been placed over them and the other had little white specks around the pupil.

"Set, Isis, you guys better get over here" yelled Anubis who could not believe the damage Andromeda had succumbed too.

The two immortals that were called rushed over to their brothers side and just taking one look at their niece broke their hearts, the spell that Set had cast was now taking effect they could see and feel the anger and hatred coming off of their father just like that day when he took their little sister to the throne room.

Set knew that it was his spell that was causing this but he did not know how to reverse it, back then he just let his emotions and power take over his body, the unknown force took over and recited the spell he did not even know if there was a counter spell for it.

Isis being the goddess of magic placed her hands over Andromeda's right eye for the left was too far gone to heal, chanting words that seemed foreign to the prince he watched helplessly as his beloved's eye slowly began to heal.

Andromeda's head fell limply to the ground after the spell was cast, The immortal siblings gently placed their fingers on her right eye and began to pry it open so they could see if the spell worked or not.

Just when they were about to fully open it, Andromeda sat up looking startled, blinking a few times to regain her bearings her vision slowly focused in and sitting beside her was her mate, and kneeling in front of her was her family, Isis, Anubis and Seth.  

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