Chapter 13

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The young goddess eventually awoke from her slumber and noticed that the room which used to be extremely bright from the sun was now dark and cold with the luminescence light from the moon. She could feel the moons rays energize her body, fill her with power and strength that was depleted from the presence of the sun.

The chain rattled as she sat up and positioned herself on the edge of the mattress, the one around her neck had rust forming over the clips from all of the salt in the tears. This allowed Andromeda to push her hands underneath the collar and when she gazed at the moon which was shining right above her she used the massive energy burst and snapped the collar in two.

The clanging of the chain crashing onto the ground echoed through out the room, all that could be heard was the small gasps and light laughter of happiness, a smile started to form on the young goddess's lips and she used her darkness powers to guide the beam of moonlight to the corner of the wall. As this light hit a particular spot the young goddess tampered with the shadows around the room and created a 3D replica of her mate, prince Adonis.

Her face broke out into a full out smile, teeth shining whenever she ventured into the light rays, no matter what happened or what she visioned nothing could change her mind about her mate, he was perfect in her eyes while she knew that in his she was not.

When her thoughts were on her mate she did not see the flash of light beaming down into the room and just when she turned around to sit back down on the mattress did she finally notice someone standing in the corner.

Taking in this boys appearance she knew that it was one of her own kind a god, for he wore the ceremonial Egyptian robes but around his neck was the red sun disk that glittered like a dazzling flame. This boy looked well, no bruises or burns on his skin and not one trace of exhaustion from overuse of powers.

As the boy stepped into the moonlight Andromeda's smile faded and was replaced with a scowl for staring right at her were eyes burning and shining as bright as the hot sun, eyes as yellow as the morning sky, the complete opposite of her black as the night sky eyes twinkling like a million stars were placed in them.

The young goddess knew this boy in front of her and could not believe the appearance change, he used to be bloody and beaten and now looked like a freshly born babe not a single mark on his porcelain skin. "Aidan" she whispered.

Her brother smirked at his so called older sister, seeing her as he once used to be made him laugh, sure his uncle Anubis told him that he had to get a long with his sister for she was next in line for the throne but no matter how hard he tired something in the back of his mind made him want revenge on his sister and her taking the throne was a joke for he could only see himself placed on that throne one way or another.

As Aidan locked his gaze onto the chains around his sisters wrists he openly laughed out loud taking this as his moment to shine and to show his sister what his powers could truly be capable of.

At first all was quiet within the room but Aidan broke that silence when he burst out laughing catching his sister off guard.

"Hahaha, don't you see sister these mortals will torture or even kill us in order to get information or for us to surrender they are dirt at the bottom of our shoes, mortals are weak and helpless while we immortals are higher beings of power superior to them. Don't you think it is time to join your family, to join my side of the war and kneel at the feet of your king".

Andromeda who was now glaring at her younger brother was about to speak when a scream ripped itself from her throat for her brother had cast a sphere of light spell and had thrown it into her stomach knocking her back a few steps.

The young goddess who's hands were still chained together was left panting causing the brother to smirk at her, "your so pathetic Andromeda too weak like these puny mortals, how on earth you are a goddess is beyond my comprehension you should be exactly the way you are now, a slave to these mortals begging on your hands and legs".

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