Chapter 18

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Adonis gently grasped Andromeda's hand within his own and gazed at her eyes watching them flicker from her onyx black to a new colour that had him squinting a bit for it was almost like there was a grey misty cloud over them.

Seeing this new colour and noticing how her goddess form wanted to take over brought a jolt of relief through the prince for it would seem that his mate even with her memories gone was fighting against whatever hold those immortal beings placed upon her. 

Andromeda was confused, here was this hot guy with the most amazing and deep Nile blue river eyes that she seemed to get pulled into each time he would turn his gaze onto her own and yet she did not know this guys name or what she was doing in bed with him, she had never met him in her life and yet there was a part of her that seemed almost comfortable and relaxed when she was with him.

"um... I'm sorry but um do... do we know each other", spoke the timid goddess as if she was afraid of the reaction this may cause the young man to have. 

Adonis's eyes began to glisten as he heard his mates timid voice and what she said made him gasp softly before he placed a brave face on and gently caressed his mates cheek, "my beloved we do know each other, we were once in love until an accident occurred making you lose your memories, that feeling you have every time we touch is known as a mates bond, for you see my dear we are soulmates destined to be with each other".

Andromeda could not believe what she was hearing, a part of her felt like the information he just gave her was true while the rest of her did not believe any of it whispering voices entered her mind saying how he lies, do not let him deceive you. 

Following the voices orders as almost like an automatic response she ripped her hand away from his own noticing the coldness she now felt and bolted out of the room clutching her head as the voices began to whisper once again.

"run little tool, run before they catch you, they lie to try and deceive you, you are not who they say you are it is all lies, they want to control you, but not us no we want to help you".

The young goddess did not know who to trust, the people who seem like they knew her and were gentle and nice, or these voices that had a part of her terrified but yet willing to obey their command.

What the young goddess did not know was that her aunt Isis projected a message to all those that knew her including the pharaoh and explained the situation in hopes that maybe those mortals would be able to get her to relive some of her experiences in hopes that it would trigger some of her memories to come back.

As Andromeda ran she would always look back afraid that the young man she was with was chasing her but he wasn't and coming to this realization she slowed down and began gasping for breath before she ventured into some big double folded doors.

The room itself was interesting, it was unlike any she had ever seen the walls were as white as new fallen snow that she had read about in one of her families books that she had stolen from her fathers room. The walls were as black as the night sky and seemed like little twinkling stars would flash every once in a while when she gazed upon them. 

The whole chamber was furnished from the small coffee tables to the chairs made out of a concrete sand material to make sure they would not cave in and dematerialize when the user sat in one. 

As the young goddess admired the room a golden light shone in causing the young goddess to shield her eyes and when it finally faded a glorious crimson fire red piano was now within the room.

Andromeda could not believe her eyes the room itself was gorgeous but the piano was magnificent, and that was when she soon found her body moving on its own and she was now seated at the piano running her fingers on it as if her body knew how to play the majestic instrument. 

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