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                     In ancient times, before man ever existed there were immortal beings known as gods. Each god was of thought to be from different religions, and therefore was thought to control a certain power, whether it may have been control over someone's mind, or just the ability to have visions. Gods were admired throughout the world especially by humans, the very same species that they created allowing the puny planet known as Earth to be populated and blossom into what is standing before us now. 

Years went by and the people of Earth were at war with each other, especially in Egypt. Men wanted women as slaves to serve them their every need and desire, but as the women began to fight back trying to take back their rights, an eruption of chaos began. Everyone who was treading across the blistering hot sands knew that something needed to be done and their prayers were soon answered when a wise leader emerged from the ruckus.

This leader, began to speak in calming but wise tones of voice, reassuring the people that nothing like that would happen. The humans were ensnared by his words and empty promises that they began to worship this ruler as a god for he had the ability to create glorious temples, statues and he was then given a title to match his leadership attributes, all throughout Egypt, he was known as the Pharaoh. 

Everyone was amazed by what he was displaying but their happiness soon turned into sorrow, anguish cries could be heard from all directions for this ruler had lied to them all, his promises meant nothing as he began to gather up the men, women , and even the children to become his loyal subjects and servants. 

Only a few people were lucky enough to get away for they ran and hid from the guards when they came. Among them was a woman no more than twenty years old but she was different from the rest of the humans on Earth for when the gods created this race of mortal humans, they also created a daughter who was blessed by her uncle Anubis, cousin Seth, and aunt Isis. Due to these blessings, and her parentage she had many hidden talents that she kept secret, her given and goddess name was Andromeda. 

Her friends and everyone she met though called her Arabella, for her true name was well known throughout the city and there was a price for her head either dead or alive since the humans especially the Pharaoh knew that she was not fully human, she was something much more... flawless and dare they say it...immortal. 

This young woman led the refugees to the gods safe haven for her, and once everyone was settled within the haven, Andromeda talked to her parents mentally about what had occurred, and each god agreed and told their daughter that it was decided among the council that this would mark the age of the Pharaoh and their group, the Gods Rebellion.

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