Chapter 9

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As the young goddess was running and giggling like a young school girl flirting with her crush, she did not sense that Adonis was silently following her hiding behind each cactus he could see. It felt like hours had passed by and yet they were still running across the never ending desert.

Finally after squinting his eyes he could see a statue in the distance and it look fairly familiar like that Goddess who had healed his slave, what was her name again oh yea Isis. Andromeda seeing the statue knew that she was almost there and ran even faster leaving the prince in the blowing dust of the desert. 

Adonis cursed under his breath for this was his only chance to find the rebellion and he had lost it now that he could no longer follow that goddess. Just when he was about to start manoeuvring back towards the village a young boy no more then six years old spotted him and ran over.

Adonis who was not use to young people stiffened when he felt the young boy hug him around the legs but soon relaxed and gently patted the boys head. The young boy gazed up towards the new found stranger and asked what he was doing all the way out in the desert.

Adonis grinned, for he may have just found a new way to reach the rebellion camp and recapture his slave, taking a slow breath in through his nose he opened his mouth and began to lie to the young boy. He told him that a beautiful goddess had shown up out of no where while he was being attacked by some royal guards and granted him permission to join the rebellion but just when she was about to teleport him the guards chased her away and he decided to run after her but got lost.

The young boy could see a hidden gleam in this strangers eyes but something possessed him to accept the lie and he soon found himself grabbing the strangers hand and leading him towards the safe haven.

While they were walking Adonis felt a strange feeling through his body, it almost felt like regret and sorrow but how could that be after all wasn't this his destiny as heir to the throne of egypt. 

The young boy peered at the stranger and asked what his name was, Adonis knew that everybody from the village knew of his birth name so taking a lesson out of the goddess's book he created a fake name but one that sounded almost similar to his true one.

"My name is Alonis, it was given to me by the Gods themselves and I just continued using that name even when the Egyptian people tried to change it", the prince could see the gears turning in the young boys mind and started to mumble to himself about how stupid it was to use a name one letter away from your true name.

Trying to divert the attention he was bound to get he asked the young boy what his name was, the boy grinned up at Alonis and smiled a big toothy grin and said "my name is Silvano", before he began to run faster. 

The prince not knowing why they were running easily caught up to Silvano and when he gazed on ahead of them he saw a sparkling village, it was filled with statues of all of the Gods and Goddess's, many of the homes had a different colour and when he looked towards the people he saw that their shirts were matching with some of the colours.

Looking down at his outfit, the prince felt so out of place for here he was in the rebellion camp filled with peasants dressed in rags while he was wearing his royal casual clothing, a dark Nile blue shirt with the initials P.O.E written on the font, a pair of black cotton pants, and forgetting it was on his ear. his royal clip.

Adonis quickly slipped the clip off of his ear, placed it in his pant pocket and prayed that none of the rebels knew what the initials on his shirt truly meant for if they did they would know that he was the prince of egypt. 

Not even a moment after he thought that, Silvano rushed ahead a few metres and was hugging a beautiful woman, this woman had her long black with tinted red streak hair cascading down her back, her dress reminded him of that goddess's true darkness form, on her head was a sparkling white tiara with shadow and chaos symbols but what made the prince stop in his tracks was her eyes, yes this girls eyes he had seen before rushing out of the pyramid after he spoke to his father, he could still see the tears washing away the dirt on her face as she ran passed him, yes there was no mistaking it this vision of beauty was his slave, no wait this was his mate, the goddess Andromeda. 

Silvano started to rapidly tell the young goddess all about the adventures he has had like picking apples from that glowing tree she grew, and painting the houses different colours to represent the oldest to the youngest. He then took a deep breath before telling her that he brought the new member in with him and he wanted her to meet him.

Andromeda was confused there was no new members in the rebellion but upon seeing Silvano waving his hand in a follow me motion she walked alongside the young boy until she stood completely still frozen in shock and fear.

Silvano seeing the fear in their leaders eyes asked what was wrong, the young goddess stuttered out a reply along the lines of just nervous to see the new recruit. Silvano laughed and proceeded to pull her along till they were now standing in front of the prince himself.  Silvano ran up to Adonis and hugged his legs again before telling him that this was their leader Arabella. 

Andromeda who was now standing in front of the prince reacted instantly and snatched Silvano away from Adonis afraid he would be used as leverage or just hurt. Adonis saw the fear and sadness in the young goddess's eyes and immediately knew that these people, her love for them was her weakness. 

The prince grinned  when he saw his mate/slave and calmly spoke in a fake timid voice before saying "hi ma'am my name is Alonis, thank you so much for saving me that other day I finally found the camp".

Andromeda's heart started to beat faster with each passing second especially when she heard his name it was to much of a coincidence and she knew that this man before her was none other then Adonis, prince of egypt.

The young goddess could not seem to breathe, it felt like her lungs were contracting and she soon found herself having a panic attack. Silvano not knowing what to do looked around for help but no one was around which saddened the young boy for he did not like seeing his friend in pain. 

Adonis reacted on instinct and gathered the young goddess in his arms before he ventured into the biggest house which appeared to be her own and placed both of them on the bed running his hand soothingly through her long hair while he held her head where his heart was telling her to breathe with him, she looked into his eyes and using short breathes of air pleaded with the prince to not harm her people. Adonis closed his eyes and softly silenced his mate telling her once again to just breathe with him.

Andromeda following the command soon found that listening to the prince's heart beat was soothing she relaxed more and found herself leaning against the prince in comfort. Adonis felt the electric sparks and not being able to fight them when they were so close he followed what his mate was doing and slowly laid down on the bed closing his eyes and listening to the soft laughter and humming outside in the camp.

Andromeda loved the feeling of being in her mates arms but he was the prince of egypt, he found the rebellions safe haven, he knew about everything, could she truly just relax and sleep after everything that had happened between them. Her answer was soon granted when she felt his arms gently wrap around her waist and her head was moved to lay on his chest by his heart. Both of the two soul mates felt content and comfort in one another's embrace something they had both longed for and in no time at all they soon found themselves falling asleep in each others arms, but just before the young goddess's eyes closed she softly whispered into the night "what do I do now". 

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