Truth Reviled: Child of Darkness

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  Aidan could see the pain and regret in his sister's eyes and yelled at the top of his lungs gaining the attention of not only the Pharaoh and his son but even the guards that were within the room. "Why, why risk your own life and freedom for these mortals dear sister, they should all be wiped out of existence all they cause is pain and suffering, how could you seal your life to his". 

 The end of the sentence was filled with malice and disgust that even had the young goddess flinching for she knew that the child of light had finally risen for her brothers powers were magnified and if she wanted him to understand what she did, she would have to allow her true form, the child of darkness to take over.

  Her eyes turned into the dark abyss, her Egyptian clothing now turned pitch black with red symbols on the neckline, her hair that used to be done in a messy bun was now cascading down her back in gentle waves that seemed to flow as the wind from the open cracks in the walls danced across the room. 

  As soon as her appearance had finished transforming she hardened her gaze and watched as the child of light began to transform into his true form. Aidan's eyes shone like a million suns, his once tattered rags were now replaced with a pure white sash and golden neck piece with the Egyptian red disk placed in the middle. 

  The mortals could not believe their eyes the rumours were true the gods did have children and it seemed they did have the power to vanquish them all. Andromeda could see that the child of light had awakened and took a deep breath before talking in her dark voice. 

  "You think I wanted this life, huh, to be hunted for who I am, to be not wanted by our own family, you got all of the love and happiness you got trained by everyone in our family, you were their most prized child. I was nothing to them I only got trained by our uncle Anubis and cousin Seth for they knew I was the child of darkness and could sense the hatred, they could hear the anguish cries at night of a young girl begging to be loved, to be heard. I had nothing I was assigned to egypt to lead a rebellion against these mortals, I had finally been noticed but only to be used as a tool, I have faced many challenges throughout my life and once I thought I found a piece of love and happiness it was ripped away from me, my mate the one I am supposed to protect and he is supposed to love me as I him could not even bare to look at me for I was nothing but a tool to him just like I am to our family. Saving this mortal's life made me feel like maybe just maybe I would be able to be accepted or even cared about, I do not care about my life any more the last thing that mattered to me was my mate my last chance of happiness but now that I know who it is he could never love me. The prince was in pain and even if I am the child of darkness there is a part of me that does not want to see mortals hurt, I would gladly give up my freedom if it meant I could basically distinguish the pain, sure they may turn me into a slave or kill me but it is better then not being loved or acknowledged by your own family, at least if that did happen I would feel some kind of acceptance". 

  Andromeda was shaking in rage as she finally spoke what was buried deep within her, all of her locked emotions came flooding to the surface and punched a nearby wall allowing a medium size crater to stand in its place. 

 Aidan could not believe what he was hearing, his sister could not have felt left out, their parents always favoured them both at least he thought they did, and just when he was about to open his mouth and speak, the child of darkness glared at him and said the final words he was ever going to hear from his sister for he found himself teleported back to their realm.

  " Do not forget brother of mine if it was not for you and casting that spell, I would not have to give up my freedom to save a mortal's life". The young goddess turned her head away from her brother's tear brimmed eyes and once she heard the teleportation of her brother her body began to sway. 

  The transformation faded and she was soon standing in her regal clothing once again, as she felt herself falling her eyes began to close but to her surprise a blurry figure caught her and picked her up bridal style while walking towards the Pharaoh. The last thing Andromeda saw was the look of concentration on the Pharaohs face, and the dark Nile river blue eyes staring at her with concern.   

  Hours went by and still there was no sign of the girl awakening, the prince was starting to get worried. He vacated the throne room and ventured to his own ordering the guards to wake him up when there was news of the girl's awakening. Minutes went by and the throne room had gone deathly quiet no one made a sound all you could hear were the soft breaths coming from the unconscious girl.

  Suddenly an anguish cry of terror pierced the halls of the pyramid, the prince was thrashing in his sleep and the pain in his body had magnified more than he could bare. Andromeda's eyes snapped open on their own accord and she gazed around the room in search of the prince but to her dismay he was nowhere to be seen. As long as he did not venture to far away he was safe from the pain but she had a bad feeling in her heart that he was farther than she had hopped for. 

  One of the guards came rushing into the room with the prince in his arms and the site made the goddess curse to herself for falling unconscious. The spell had magnified as he was away from her so she had to act quickly and instantly took the prince out of the guards arms and placed his head in her lap while she softly hummed an old Egyptian song. 

  The humming seemed to ease the prince and his thrashing soon ended and he slept peacefully while Andromeda was combing her fingers through the jet black silk hair.  Everything just felt and seemed so perfect and peaceful in that short moment between the two of them. 

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