Chapter 23

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That one word brought a chill to the two immortals, that one name brought back many painful memories to their heads.

"who.. who is Sekhmet?" asked the prince as his emotions finally got under control and he was no longer glowing like a Christmas tree.

Isis who knew her brother could not speak of her drew in a large breath while rubbing the back of her neck, it seemed like even the Goddess herself did not want to reveal any information on this new name but the prince was stubborn and would not give up.

Anubis watched as his sister opened her mouth to answer the minor gods question  but before she could utter out a sound he wrapped his shadows around her mouth shaking his head no.

Isis understood what her brother was talking about and instantly nodded her head allowing the shadows to be pried off of her mouth.

Adonis was beyond confused, all the mumbling and head shaking was annoying the minor god, an essence of red began to form around him once more and when the immortals saw this they asked him the question again hopping to snap him out of his thoughts and emotions that he was feeling.

"are you ready to find your mate, Adonis?"

The prince snapped out of the haze he was in and rapidly answered yes before he began to follow the immortals deeper into their territory, their realm.

The immortals began to whisper to one another as a way to make sure that the prince would not hear what they were discussing.  

"how.. how is it possible?", asked Isis while narrowing her eyes towards her brother as if he had something to do with this new problem.

"Sister we all knew that she would take many trips to the mortals realm, we just did not know what she was doing there", replied Anubis as he too pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Then tell me brother why would she do something like this, is it possible she knew of what was to come, the betrayal and all" whisper the goddess as she gazed behind her to where Adonis was kicking stones on the rocky path they were taking.

 "Sister we are forbidden to mention anything that had transpired before the twins were born you know this and yet you were almost about to tell that minor god, the prince of Egypt no less about the truth" whispered Anubis with venom in his voice as he realized the predicament they were now in.

Isis knew that her brother was becoming furious for that "she" they were talking about was their little sister and the sister to Set she had both of their powers but had somehow developed healing powers as well.

"what are we going to do now, you turned her .... ugh I can not even say it but her son into a minor god, you increased his powers and unlocked the genes in him that she had spent her time blocking, what will Osiris say to this when he finds out who this prince truly is, you know what happened between Sekhmet and Osiris and what happened in the end" spoke Isis with hate in her words as she recalled their sisters final moments with them.

Anubis felt the change in his sisters powers and heard the hate within her words, he knew that she was remembering everything that had happened before the twins were born, he knew that this boy now had a target painted on his back now that his genes were unlocked but when the time came he would do everything in his power to make sure that this boy, his nieces mate and his half grandchild, would remain safe.

"Sister, I promise you nothing will happen to Adonis, his fate will not be the same as our sisters, we must keep him away from Osiris and keep him calm so his aura does not come to life once more" spoke Anubis while allowing a small smile to grace his face.

Thinking about his sister always made the immortal happy there was nothing that the two of them would not do together, there was even a time when they got Seth or Set involved, the four of them were the best pranksters she was the anchor that held them all together and was the only one that could handle and control Sets powers.

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